World of Warcraft Post-BlizzCon Q&A

Will we at some point get a real dungeon like BRD again? Or are we stuck with the Mythic plus way?

Any plans to make the game less complex? Easier content, remove hard content, less spells and so on? So the casuals can enjoy the game #removeMythicraid

I can’t wait to be ignored about server mergers or free transfers. :dracthyr_shrug:

could we get an update on Archaeology profession please

Let’s see where this takes us

Probably the same place as D4 Q&A

Mooo, will you guys offer better items in shops for this amazing RPG game?

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Oh no does this mean the April fool guy wont be on

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I bet we will all have similar questions,hope they pick them up!

You ask yourself are you out of touch?

And whose fault, pray tell, is it that the community turned this way toward them?

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  1. I’ve noticed we are not given the choice between Male and Female anymore but instead, we have to choose between Body Type 1 and Body Type 2, can you explain to me what a woman is and also why it is important that we move away from the universal definition of the word and instead follow your beliefs?

  2. Will you be removing the cap on AOE damage in the next expansion?

When they get to cherry-pick, of the two questions which do you think they are going to go with?

The clip of Ion trying to answer question one would go viral if the Q&A was being streamed live.

the Q&A is always a joke they always ask the the most Rtarded questions

Hi , can my gnome have three more hair options ? Sure

Ask anything technical , we are looking into it response everytime.

Mention PVP , security remove you from the microphone

That was Cataclysm in a nutshell lol

Community : We want flying , in the old zones !
Blizz : Done
Community : We want to go back to the old world
Blizz : Done
Community : We want harder dungeons , like it was before Wrath
Blizz : Done
More race class options ?!
Blizz : Done
The older zones look old , the quests are too sparse. Any chance a re-touch ?
Blizz : We do better , we will revamp every zone in Eastern Kingdom and Kalimdor

Community 3 months after launch
Community : I hate all of it , why blizz? why ruin our game like this

Blizz : But you … asked for this and we wanted to deliver what you want …
Community unsubs and hates on wow online

Blizz : Scratches head in confusion …


Hopefully we’ll get more questions covered this way.

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Players barely even know what they want and they definitely can’t tell you how to get there, so directly implementing their suggestions is a dangerous game.
Blizz created one of the most diverse communities by trying to cater to every type of player and eventually realized none of the issues can be fixed without disappointing a bunch of people.
Quite frankly there’s nothing I’d want to ask them. Game’s 20 years old and every topic has been chewed to the bone. I’m betting most people who are mad at the Q&A format would just use it to ask loaded questions or assign blame.

I would ask about an Archeaology update , I really enjoyed it in cata and to some extent mop. When it actually gave out mounts /pets , collectibles.
How it was done was boring and in the DF reveal Q&A Ion did mention they are going to do a whole re-work on Archeaology.
I mean it’s a proffession and a feature missing form the game

Considering the ones asking the questions are people, and people tends to be the worst kind of people, I can’t blame them for being a bit cautious. Yes there have been a lot going on recently, but instead of letting it go and move on like normal people some have to keep pestering about such things. And when you consider most of the workers at Blizzard had nothing to do with it, I can understand they might not wanna be involved. They just wanna do their job and have a good time.
So if people could just learn to behave like adults, this wouldn’t be a problem.

They’ll still see the questions - they have to sort through them. They’re not scared they’ll see the hostile questions, they’re scared they’ll have to answer the hostile questions.

When you will release Pandaren Paladins and why so late.

Any form of communication is a two way street.
If the dialogue boils down to this:
BLizz: Good Morni…
Community: I HOPE YOU STEP ON A LEGO AND DROWN IN A PUDDLE U )#$)#($_)((#_$. (obviously with less flattering words).

Then I dont blame them for not even bothering…