World Of Warcraft -Ragnaros You have been disconnected. (WOW51900118)

No realm data to display. Please try again later.

Something is pretty broken.


Same. Near instant load time for the forums now.

Someone pulled the plug by mistake; damn those roombas!

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Punyelf got the link, so edited my post

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I only looked after you mentioned it.

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Out of interest what countries are people in?

UK here


Sweden. Cant log into wow but im playing D2R through bnet.

UK - seems itā€™s across the board though.


Same here in Germany and thereā€™s a thread in the german forum as well, so it seems like a bigger issue.

Info from Aggrend:

Issue with Bnet it seems. His workaround didnā€™t do much but they are working on it at least.

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Norway having problems aswell

No battlenet games load, something strange going onā€¦maybe its that pesky solar eclipse. :smiley:

its not just retail i just got booted form sod with the new season starting in under a hour and i cant get back on

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i want to do my stoooooorm!!! first issue with download now thisā€¦

all we can do here is to sit on a mountain in the alps, eat chocolate and check our watches as time goes by without beeing able to log in


i am already shivering with fear as to what the situation will be when TWW hits the server .

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Might have to continue playing the Stellar Blade demo.

Same here in Poland. Good thing thereā€™s no limited time event right now. Ow wait, actually thereā€™s both Plunderstorm and Noblegarden going onā€¦


Occasionally it will give a me a queue of up to 4 people or so then end up back to the disconnected message

Yes, ā€œLogin servers are fullā€, queue: 4 and then just back to disconnected. (WOW51900118)


I keep getting

Oops! Something went wrong.

We had trouble loading your content

ive tried every fix i could find for this error. Except the one that said remove payment information because if i try that i get: We couldnā€™t retrieve some of your information. Please try again in a few minutes.