World Of Warcraft -Ragnaros You have been disconnected. (WOW51900118)

the website is also not working that well when logged in .dont do any payments or any of the sort at the moment .

France here, and we have the same topic on french forum.

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Just checked US WoW forums and seems they are having the same issue over there.

It is more than just the launcher. I run straight from the exe file and avoid the Bnet app. I have this issue also. I installed the app and rebooted with no change. The launcher is not part of the problem.


I had dinner and when I tried to log in the game I get exactly the same error message. It’s exactly the same for Classic, Wrath and Dragonflight.

Got home from work, took a nap, made dinner and when i was ready to play i find this.
Now, who did something they shouldn’t?

who let the dogs out ?

the second i hit retrieving realm list i get “you have been disconnected form the server”

What a new phase in SoD can do to the game. I hope the next expansion doesn’t wipe the servers.


I even tried using the WoW.exe file directly and it still didn’t work.

I can get into but not any of the wow games. It’s very weird!

Overwatch seems fine.

Sadly that didn’t help but he also followed up

not an expert on this .but it does look something similar to a ddos attack .i guess i will sleep early tonight and maybe play early in the morning .
edit : it now does show a red alert on top right corner of launcher near notification bell

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if one evening makes you lose out, maybe do it earlier.

please blizzard my body is being unalived from the inside out please fix it quickly

That’s no excuse for server or bnet outtages, while I agree it’s not the end of the world. Telling people they should just get on earlier is not acceptable.


Its a few hours. Not an apocalypse.

The eu server page status loads the realms again; but no login success yet

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So much this. I just got off work and got myself and hubby something to eat before we wanted to meet with someone for RP… if you want to do something with people you have to accommodate their schedule, too. sighs in lateshift