World of Warcraft: Systemlands

To have fun mr MyOpinionsAreFacts.


After seeing the stream I can say Iā€™m pretty hyped for all these new systems. Now they need to fix some specs and Iā€™m convinced itā€™s gonna be a banger expac :slight_smile:

Ok then I give you some negative feedback to it:
It might be ā€œfunā€ for the first 5 times you run it, then it will be dry and boring as island expeditions and still a little more fun than visions just because there are less annoying mechanics.
How do you like to run torghast for 2 years? Donā€™t you think this will get incredible boring?
I donā€™t see much value in easy mode (as it looks like) content. At the moment it also looks like if you get lucky the first 2 floors you just steamroll through rest without even paying attention to your screen.

Thorgast is so much fun that all alpha streamers already stopped streaming weeks ago. You see if something would be incredible fun and also fun to watch, people not stop

Bang on the money.

I donā€™t mind progression systems per se (theyā€™re to be expected) but too many blurs the line between what is fun, and what is a chore.

It stops being about logging on, killing a raid boss with a group of friends, getting cool loot when you have to progress 20 different things simultaneously in order to do just that.

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Itā€™s also not a bad choice or the wrong thing to do.
Thereā€™s not just one side to this issue.

Afaik they plan to add more rooms / mobs / powers / themes / affixes in Thorgast to keep things somewhat fresh.

Dunno how effective itā€™ll be but at the very least thereā€™s one thing iā€™m fairly confident about :

With the removal of keys it should be back to the infinite mode only, and youā€™ll be more rewarded for going further into the tower. Depends on how they balance it but since youā€™re not expected to clear the tower youā€™ll get to the challenging part at some point.

With the random layout and the powers you should in theory have a different experience everytime. Whil itā€™ll eventually feel familiar, since your abilities are upgraded by the powers it shouldnā€™t feel the same way every time you run it.

And thatā€™s also a great reason to play alts as they too will have a different experience.

So it should be neither easy or repetitive as IE or as boring as visions. Canā€™t say much more tho, Iā€™m not a tester and neither are you

You mean the very same streamers that described it as one of the best content ever released by blizzard and which played it for hours non top everyday ? Sounds successful enough

I think a lot of people get upset becasue RPG means Role Playing Game, which is what it says. You are acting out a specific role regardless of how you appear/what you actually are.

In Blizzard mind Role Playing Game should mean you have to tailor your character entirely to that experience so you are no longer just playing the part, you are part which has vital problems arise if the game isnā€™t just balanced.

Iā€™m not happy with the route blizzard are taking and i can see a lot of people are also unhappy. I donā€™t see Shadow Lands being successful at this point without drastic change to priorities

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If Iā€™m being 100% honest; Iā€™m getting less hyped for this expansion as time goes on. Thereā€™s a few reasons for this:

  • First of all thereā€™s the location; the Shadowlands. Iā€™m more into ā€˜normalā€™ locations. I want to feel like my character is exploring a real place. I just canā€™t get that immersed into ā€˜weirdā€™ locations. All the different ā€˜deathā€™ themes also just donā€™t really appeal to me.

  • They are starting to put more ā€˜other gamesā€™ into this mmorpg. And I donā€™t like it. Iā€™m playing an mmorpg because I want to play an mmorpg. I donā€™t want to play a roguelike (Torghast). I donā€™t want to play autochess (mission table). Now, in the case of some of these (the covenant minigames), itā€™s fine because theyā€™re basically optional. But in the case of Torghast; yeah I will HAVE to do it. I donā€™t want to. I really donā€™t. Iā€™m already dreading it.

  • This very much feels like a ā€˜clean up our messā€™ type of expansion. Theyā€™re allowing for a story mechanic (passage of time being different in the Shadowlands) to set themselves up for possible big changes. This is fine, because Iā€™d actually be psyched about playing in a revamped Azeroth (which is what I hope will happen). But in the meantime, it just feels like Iā€™m wasting my time in a place I donā€™t really want to be.

  • Theyā€™re changing things that some vocal parts of the playerbase wanted, but I didnā€™t. Iā€™m seeing things that I liked being taken away left and right. And thatā€™s not fun.

Iā€™m trying to keep an open mind and be positive, but itā€™s getting harder day by day. Iā€™m not going to devolve into the negative doomsayers you see in this thread for instance, because I truly believe their fears are unfounded.

But yesā€¦ unfortunately there seem to be several things that are ā€˜offā€™ about Shadowlands.

Didnā€™t feel like there was a lot. Mainly you need your weekly torghast run for your legendary and work on soulbinds, which seem less complex than artifact weapons + netherlight crucible combined. Thereā€™s some more stuff with covenants which seem to unlock utility and there will be cosmetics to get.

Didnā€™t get the impression that itā€™s much different from Legion. Maybe if youā€™re comparing to Classic or something but hey, Classic is available to you if thatā€™s the level of systems you want.

yes the very streamers that create content for blizzard and are therefore more or less on their payroll.
Donā€™t bite the hand that feeds you.

If they give me alpha to stream the content, do you really think I would label all the garbage they create as what it is? (garbage)
They played it non stop and now they completely stopped, which makes my initial statement even more accurate. Fun at first and after 1-2 weeks it gets very stale as expected. This is usual with a lot of content but if they force you to do it for 2 years it will be trash.
Remember Island expeditions?

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because it wouldnt raise their MAU and for varius in game systems.

they dont care if you enjoy it - as log as you tic a box in their database they are happy

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I think I rather have lots of systems as the op says, to use, than having it like it was in classic, where once you got to max level, you sat there doing nothing whit no real reason to do much else than get some gear, and once you came to the part where you had the gear you could get, you could just sit arround doing nothing.

SL looks much better, where you do not run out of stuff to do, and improve on at all, question offcours is, is there to much, how long will it take. But for the moment it looks like it is way better than how both Legion and BFA systems work.

you probably have read in forums and min-max sites that dwarf priest is the way to go, yet if you have played the game, guilds are full of human and night elf priests.

Just your bias talking here tho.

How many times did the so called streamers called SL dead on arrival because of the ā€œhorribleā€ covenant system and the balance nightmare itā€™ll cause ?

And I hope you didnā€™t seriously believe that only what you think about the content is right and that any other opinion is a lie to get more attention.

At least thatā€™s how it feels reading your post, ā€œI know the truth but they are all lying to protect Blizz, But I know better than to listen to them !ā€

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