World PvP a complete joke

my 181 warrior still dies under one 150ilvl rogue, or monk, or pal, or hunter, or dk, or druid lol

I like SL PVP. Every class can “one-shot” and things die fast. Rogues can kill me in cheap shot + kidney shot but if I see them first then I can kill them just as fast. It seems balanced. I hated BFA PVP because in Ashran, for example, you could fight for 1+ hour because nothing can be killed and every damage could be out healed. Also, I remember being a guardian druid in WPVP during BFA and 5 people couldn’t kill me but now 2 people are enough to kill me even if one of them are not lvl 60. And I like it and I hope that it will stay that way without turning this game into BFA 2.0.

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Don’t worry, it’s only pre-patch. I’m sure it will all be fixed and balanced when SL hits the live servers.

So far so good, imo.
Maybe I’ve just been lucky.

Balance aside (wpvp is jungle rules, I don’t expect balance / fair fights), I have to admit I’m enjoying how vibrant wpvp has been.

H-A distribution has been good so far.
People aren’t hesitant to get stuck in.
Can’t let your guard down for a second or you’ll wake up dead.
I’m still chill levelling & can hold my own (mostly).

Getting insta-deleted now is no worse than it ever was, imo (‘it’s just prepatch’ / op corruption / op Az traits / op trinkets / fotms / outgeared / outnumbered…).


I was literally chilling earlier on my resto Druid.
Had a warrior, shadow priest and a Dk attacking my Druid and I just kept hopping around and out healing their damage.
They got me low at one point and all I had to do was pop tree form and spam instant casts again like roots.

Started to get bored so I put dots on them and the DK and warrior died. Lol.

Much balance, if I can do that much damage as a resto then I can only imagine what a boomkin is like.

It applies in arena as well. I guess you will have to just learn. When you meet ppl who can pvp well and they just camp you and delete you every time you respawn. Also I hope they repeat that until the penny drops for you. That you just cant win.

I’m not denying some specs have ridiculous 1-shot burst & I’m not justifying it.
I’m just saying for me, it’s no different than the balance during pre-patch, or the balance with corruption, or op Az traits &etc. A 1-shot is a 1shot & I’m kinda numb to it now.

Gimme a shout if you’re getting corpse camped, I’m usually up for a scrap between bg’s.

So you admit to having no skill and you need one shots.

Guy just gave you some constructive feedback, and you puked on him with your broken logic.


You have a problem with your logic.

My logic is just better than “I can one shot and be one shot therefore this is balance”.
MASSIVE 4head.

In my IMO current world ganging is a big headache. I had wm on for several expansions, but now raging kids gang everything. Sorry but I have enough headache at work, and wanna just play the game without being 24/7 ganged. So I turned WM off!

Literally about to turn off WM, shame as I love a bit of WPVP here and there but literally being 1 and 2 shotted by allsorts of vermin FOTMs atm, being hit so hard there is literally no time to react, Don’t even get me started on the groups of Alliance (am sure horde do it too) grouping up and lurking at the entrance just waiting for anything that moves, some truly sad people this game.

That’s wpvp tho.

Can’t argue with that, have a choice to have it turned on or off, not the nicest experience as a solo player tho. Never had an issue with WPVP in the past, even in previous xpacs where there has been imbalance, never known it as bad as it currently is for the out of control dmg and survivability of some classes.

My first exp with SL WM was leaving an instance as a lvl 53 BrM & getting jumped by 2 lvl 60 hunters. One of them got insta launched off the platform we were on & the other got baited to the edge & RoP’d off.
Got insta-nuked by a hunter in Ardenweld, I came back for revenge & got dunked on by a group of Horde. Was getting my corpse when about 10 Alliance (3 w/bounty) ploughed through the area deleting everything.
Back to Bastion & I’m (or everyone was?) hostile to their own faction. It was a glorious bloodbath.

There’s nothing fun about getting ganked or one-shot, but my advice: the first time you get a 2min res timer, take a 5min break.


Hunters can attack a priest. Force use of CD’s and then run away. Then return when the CD’s are on CD for an easy kill. Basically as a priest you have to stay alive first and then you can fight. Or attack first and hope for a kill because they are on the back foot.

Rogues can solo nuke you down as a priest, even with full PvP gear. You cant win, even if you trinket out. Hunters can dps so hard that they just kill you easy. Also in full ilvl 171 PvP gear.

I dont mind losing to a better player but dps is overpowered and damage reduction is not making it. Having 180 ilvl gear should not mean a full pvp geared player at ilvl 171 should be easy to nuke down.

Also stuns are too powerful because if you are stunned you have no time at all to react before you are dead. You are dead within a global CD.

Even when I do get ahead, the other player just runs which is why I am still 4/25 on the pvp world quest.

Getting insta deleted is better than getting deleted after a 2 min battle you know you’re gonna lose anyway vs certain classes.

Saves time.

Thankfully most players you have a normal PvP interaction. Win or lose but I get the feeling thats because they are normal players leveling or questing.

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