World PvP and Epic BGs

What exactly was Blizzard thinking ? They wanted to encourage players to do World PvP with the Warmode bonus (even though warmode failed completely) and they once again encouraged People to do PvP (BGs, PvP islands, Arena etc) to get essences.

I enjoy doing PvP with my friend every day, we do one epic BG win and we also play a few normal BGs and we are both fairly close to hitting the 50k honor achievement. We even managed to get a rank in 2v2 Arenas with just double Dps (in case you still cant tell we are casual PvP players). We are also doing world PvP pretty much every day because it’s linked to an essence that we want.

Now, world PvP in small numbers is perfectly fine, but just like epic BGs, as soon as you face a raid, the game just dies. It’s absolutely impossible to play as soon as you face more than just a few players, it’s not fun at all and i don’t get why servers seem to be so fragile. It can’t be that i’m stuck in an endless eye beam animation in epig BGs or World PvP against a Raid group. I literally can not move and my character just dies. There’s a 3-5 seconds delay and it’s not only lagging for me in that situation, when Alliance players turn on Warmode for a few minutes to form a raid and get their weekly CTA done before switching back (That’s the sad reality) the entire shard is lagging, no matter where you are on the map.

Why are world PvP and epig BGs in the state they are in atm when it could be so much better actually fun to do ? I want to actually go out and kill 25 players and not sit in the backline of a raid group and throw glaives to tag someone just bc doing anything else results in your character just freezing

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I’m in a similar position and i know it won’t solve your issue but try epic BG with a ranged class. It’ll greatly reduce the lags & be more fun to play than as a melee dps. (MM Hunter and elem shaman were fun at the very least)

Imo the Epic BG are the way they are because it’s just easier to play a ranged AOE class than a melee dps. It’s just how it works in any large scale battle no matter the game, range is a huge factor (Mordhau anyone ?)

Also the lag goes both way, if you jump on the casters and AOE them down you should have the time to bail out before they react. At least most eye beams shouldn’t be interrupted.

At least in epic BGs the amount of lag seems to be directly proportionate to the amount of moonkins using their AoE. Idk what it is about that spell that bogs down the server so badly, but it does.

Ban balance druids from epic BGs plz Blizz.

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it’s nearly been a week i think. At around the reset time, the alliance outnumber horde 50 to 1. They capture all the points. Get the world pvp reward, even raid newhome and kill everything and everyone in there. 3~4 hours later and you’'ll barely find any alliance players left.

And it actually works. blizzard’s giving them the 30% bonus loot. They’re doing all the objectives with ease, and they turn it off when it’s all good and done while obtaining their rewards.

I honestly loved the idea of world pvp. Expecting someone to jump you and you being forced to fight back. the world not being so boring and having a fight or two every now and then.

But it’s honestly ruined for me. Blizz ruined it. And here i was happy about them giving alliance more rewards to give them an incentive to turn warmodes on and make it an ACTUAL warmode.

But of course i should have expected them to just abuse the system instead.

With 8.2 i stopped playing alts, i only play my DH and i also only do it because epic BGs give me the most honor. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
So playing a ranged class doesnt make too much sense to me

I will remember that if you ever want help from my druid !! :wink:

Yeah Warmode just doesnt work and their “fix” to the Nazjatar PvP battle actually made it worse

I think this is one of the main problems of wow and a bottleneck preventing great fun for thousands.
Even if their class is pruned, PvP vendors aren’t there, if you have fun, you have fun and all the shortcomings are easier to swallow. But you don’t have that much fun because 40v40 is the limit of Blizzard d technology. On a good day at that. On a bad day it can lag just as well.

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I don’t get unplayable lag in wpvp, it’s not the servers.

Yeah ofc you are the one exception. It’s not the servers it’s just our PCs :wink:

This person took the time to contact support, and got the response below. Better to have real info, rather than just make stuff up.

Make up stuff? The post you’re quoting says it happens, whereas you say it doesn’t. Who’s making up what now.

I didn’t say lag doesn’t happen, you just made that up.

You say you don’t get lag, which implies that you do a fair amount of raid v raid wpvp (which is the scenario where people allege lag happens), which in turn implies that you think claims about lag are an exaggeration or clientside, which in turns makes it kind of silly to link a thread that says that it is indeed non-client side lag that we can’t do anything about as some kind of proof to the opposite.

When you use the word “implies”, it means you don’t have facts.

I never said there was no lag. I wanted an explanation of why some might experience unplayable lag and others not, or rarely. I got my answer via the thread I linked, which states cause of lag when excess players. But there are other possible reasons too for lag in general, otherwise there wouldn’t be a connection issues support page.

Laggin now, but uploading a vid… so I know the reason :slight_smile:

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