World PvP community DEAD

People, people. WPvP is far from dead. My guild is an exclusively world PvP guild, and we take that game mode to the extreme. We use over 25 consumables for any situation when we raid Stormwind, and we boost out members for gear through m10 runs. If you want to know more about us, check out our guild video [The Rise of the Hughlord] and make sure you read the video description.

We are the most infamous guild on our server, and there’s a reason for it being so.


It’s alive, aliiiiiive! Join a WPvP guild and community! Or start one!

There’s plenty of WPvP community activities, and you can think of more!

Achieving notoriety and rivalry is possible. The Scarlet Crusadé have shown what can be done, a fun and interesting approach. What could you do?


I had an idea…

To help increase bad feeling towards your community, try adding your guild or community name to your killing blow and/or taunt emotes.

The addon below works nicely for kbs. Taunt emotes just go in macro.

dG Killshot
https:// www. curseforge .com/wow/addons/dgks

So a kb emote could look something like this.

Vaeyn (Alliance Defence Force) killed Arkamedix! Streak of 11!

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Why tf would anyone participate in a skewed competition where incentives for one side grossly outweigh the desires and time available of the other side (simply put, wpvp doesn’t have a reward worth grouping up for if you are horde)

It’s a completely unfair system and just a joke.

why do you always need some reward tho?
my reward is that i have a laugh, and that is worth alot more to me than some loot/honor/conquest or whatelse.

fun… isnt that what the game should be about?


Look it’s all good, you do you boo.

Doesn’t mean the system is okay.

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Cuz Blizzard cant fix LAGS!!! Its so sad((( just look WPvP 40x40+ lags and ppl disconect We have an WPVP community, there are many more videos

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It’s a shame your community isn’t English language, otherwise I’d add it to my list of WPvP guilds and communities.

Wish I had enough actives in my community for 40v40! I have only 40v40’d a few times, on top of the Horde pyramid mostly. Very laggy, but still fun. Normally I don’t get lag during WPvP though, as 30v30 is my usual maximum, and those 20 less players seems to make the difference.

I wonder if turning the gfx down would help with 40v40 lag.

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WPvP communities are dead oh what a tasty topic, Honor capped has been dead for like ages start of legion probably saw you around at the beginning of BFA but not nearly as much as you used to be you don’t even give the expansion a chance you’re just like a bunch of other individuals that I know of WPvP can be decent but people like yourself are not giving it the chance which is sad.

There could be plenty of great fights but I guess not if you won’t even give it a try I guess you will have to go back into your rabbit hole and continue with your life instead of constantly whining that “WPvP communities are dead” about you take some action and make it better again for yourself, it actually blows my mind that you spend more time whining about something than taking action I will never understand.

Anyway peace~

Tzuyu :heart:


I Actully think the 25 players kill quest its a great attempt from blizzard to stimulate wpvp. Infact, i was in a good shard where we were killing alliance at on point and pushing them to their main hub in Nazjatar and then the tides turn and aliance start killing us and push us to newhome. Many have stayed even after after getting thier 25 kill and many assassins emerged only to be killed and this continued for a good while.
Also, if you see Bahjeera recent video ganking horde in Nazjatar, you will see how he is enjoying current wpvp as he state that clearly. I personally would take any pro pvp player opinion as a valid opinion anytime.

And now am actully wondering…whats the percentage of the forums whiners to the actual wow player base?? I wonder…

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im waiting for classic pvp servers, becouse retail war mode is beyond repair

Yep, I’ve noticed as well that in Nazjatar fights between bases can just keep going, awesome fun. After a while I left zone, came back later, they were still at it. Hehe, was cool to see.

Love the new zones, but fav is Nazjatar and the pvp objectives.

Lots of community possibilities. Just gotta gather motivated and proactive players together.

Join the Alliance Defence Force WPvP guild and community for group WPvP!


Fun but the guards are fuaking killing me inside, atleast im mecaREEEEE

We are not dead :smiley: Server Gordunni. Have Horde and aliance WPWP community!!! You can see that but Blizzard cant fix lags((( WPvP 40x40+ lags and ppl disconect

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The only ones to blame for the death of the WoW community is and has always been Blizzard.

WoW is no longer a MMORPG.

It’s an MMOLOOTER with RPG elements.

What’s the difference?

Blizzard clearly has no idea.


In my eyes the porblem is the following:

A raid isn’t anything special anymore. While it took some effort to build one and was something you could not just counter as easily as taking a dump it just takes one or two clicks now and only a couple of minutes of waiting time to have one right at hand.

In addition it all became less personal as many players are hopping from one server to another like it’s some kind of a popular sport. Many players don’t even care about the society that’s allocated to a realm.
“Oh there is a large group of enemies roughing up my allies. Well, good luck to them, I better hop on to another realm.”


Most people also flee or feign death then quickly jump shards if the reinforcements won’t arrive. Or what I see every battle. The proud Horde hiding at the back of their cave protected by their OP bodyguards (more health than ours and way stronger, way too stron…) and endless giants and other guards that spawn. I see no point anymore to do WPvP unless it’s an event. Either it turns into 1vs 8 in their favour playing as Alliance or 50/50 chance that they phase away or actually allow me to kill them.

Unfortunately that is some very rare attitude. I can hardly convince my friends to go on a decent Horde Hunt as there’s no reward.

Same happens when I want to gather some allies in order to provide a decent reply to some rioting Horde raid. So it probably takes more than just a group of five to counter their riots. Most players are not interested because they won’t get any progress for their PvP-kill-quest while in a raid…

FFS! That is no attitude at all!
I even offer them to do that quest entirely all on my own for them. They would just need to stay in area while I kill Hordes for them. Still most people refuse to take part in actually fighting the enemy. :roll_eyes:

Yeah… those giants…
I was told that this is the level 15 ability of their bodyguards.
Do we have something comparable to this? What is our level 15 ability? My highest bodyguard now is on level 8 or the like. So still a long way to go to level 15.

Well, I don’t consider an escape or fleeing an act of cowardice. It’s the smartest thing to do when you think you probably won’t survive BUT I always just do it without breaking the mould the game’s reality provides. Using serverhopping as a method to escape is somehow putting it up onto some kind of meta level.

To feign death, vanish, stealth, etc. use gliders, jump onto your flying mount is absolutely fine.

Using technic / technical methods is some kind of cheating and actually an exploitation as this opportunity wasn’t meant to enable players to escape from a fight.

Yeah, I’ve seen that very often too.
Once there was a druid on my server who was an Arena Master. He used to kill/gank/camp low level players. So I made my way to him to end this.
He wasn’t actually that bad at fighting. Makes sense as he seemed to be very good in Arena. He was no real opponent for me in this WPvP situation(s) (WPvP is just a totally different thing many Arena-nerds don’t want to admit).
Right when he realised that he wouldn’t stand a chance against me, he escaped. Guess how he did it.
He obviously knew exactly where those “phasing borders” are. He used to head for the exact same spots in order to disappear. It’s those areas where people disappear. You can either follow them or just wait for them to return at full health.
Following a feral druid in water is a bad idea though. At least for me as a hunter.

At least I managed to kill him a couple of times (actually it was 11 times) and was able to surprise him with my draenic swiftness potion (makes me swim faster than a druid). It was still very frustrating though.
All in all it was like 30-40 encounters of which only 11 came to an actual end.

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That not but feign death then quickly server/shard hop is. Since it’s drops you from combat. Feign death is the most useless ability to escape a gank, well for most people. Some still fall for it.

I totally agree to that.

It’s actually quite powerful. Feign Death -> Mount Up/Camouflage -> Get Away -> Delight in enemies’ anger/frustration. :wink:

Honor Capped complaining about nobody to fight and yet they havent exactly encouraged Horde WPVP guilds on their server to grow.

You reap what you sow