Easy fixes:
-Half the time of netomatic gun loading, and give the player actual “captured by net effect” so a DH cant fly 1mile away while in air.
-Remove phasing/sharding while in combat or 10s after combat. (both ways, dont allow a raid group join from thin air)
-When player is stunned/incapacitated/rooted make them actually drop down from their mount and not just start flying right after.
-Dont allow mounting within 5s after going off from PVP combat. Druids are just leaping away and sprinting and turning into a bird instantly and there is no chance.
what “easy” fix would you implement?
ps. why doesnt GNOME RACIAL work on mechagon nets, while paladin bubble does?
Harder fixes:
-Combine alliance heavy and horde heavy realms, or give option to transfer only to other side, to have any kind of balance.
-Remove passive bubbles/healing. => make it more about spell skills and clever use of engineering/crafted items
As a veng DH some much higher ilvl warrior attacked me, fury specced, with 600k health. My health went from 100% to 80% to 100%. I was full hp when he died. This is actually very common. As a havoc DH a rogue and blood DK tried to kill me same ilvl (450ish) they both died, my leech is just superior. On my bear druid assasin rogues have no chance my hp stays around 90% the whole time.
Its just sad, since I dont feel “skilled” while pvp bear druid, its just press armor button 3 times, some trash and self heal button.
The passive bubble on my veng DH is so ridiculous that when I went afk for 10min, and came back and 3 mobs were autoattacking me but I was 90% hp since my passive bubble refreshes every 30s. Mind you my gear is actually bad compared to mythic tanks.
This is quite retarded. Not to mention I can pull a whole heroic dungeon with this mediocre gear upto boss and tank everything, and kill everything while whole group died to aoe first few seconds.
Would all in-combat players temporarily see the oldest version of the phase in that area? That could be very jarring if the landscape was radically different in each phase.
What if you were stuck in combat when an instance queue pops? Be held prisoner in the shard?
Doesn’t seem like a big issue, how often does this happen?
theres nothing challenging there if u start casting netomatic same second the other guy mounts and he is fast enough to fly away from range before netomatic finishes casting, its just plain stupid
The nearer they are when they mount the better, cast can be completed if close enough. For sure a challenge. I like the double deflyer strat. One nets, the other chases while mounted.
not talking about arena but world pvp. If u think that engineering or other profession benefits shouldnt exist thats another story, which I disagree on heavily.
Especially engineering bring more skill to game intead of retarded corruption passives that do 30% of damage.
Remove graveyard on ever 10 meters so the losers that died can’t come back the same second and respawn. The respawn timers are way too fast.
We were fighting over a war chest in Vol’dun and it was a 2v2. We kill them both, first the warrior and then the rogue. While we were finishing the rogue, the warrior was already back and he even managed to loot the chest behind our back. This literally happened in a span of 15 seconds. It’s absurd, stupid and re-tarded
Ye 2v1 on a Druid already flying away is a challenge because of their mobility. But much easier than trying to solo. It is a multiplayer game after all.