World PvP is actually great

You’re generalising a bit much here. Not wanting competitive PvP may very well be true for many, regardless of their individual reasoning for wanting World PvP. However, not everyone cares about farming “pve andys”. I myself am not a griefer nor a ganker, but I prefer PvP servers for the inherent risk that enemy players pose. Just being near an enemy player who doesn’t attack you makes the experience more thrilling.

Battlegrounds are horribly outdated, but like you say, I don’t think Blizzard has any desire to change them. Because the playerbase don’t really care about the battlegrounds, they care about the honour they gain. That’s why so many will throw in the towel at the slightest hint of opposition. “Lose fast and queue again”. That’s the gameplay loop. Putting in effort to win? Why bother, that’s less honour per hour.

It’s the same damn thing with Archaeology. I am sure the average player of World of Warcraft doesn’t play the game because they think it is fun.

“who dont want PvP”…then people should role pve realm. Im playing PvP realms to get ganked ! Otherwise Its boring. Gank and getting ganked is where the flavour is at. Only because you dont like it. PvP realms are for likeminded people like me


Im totally fine with people getting ganked on PvP realms, however you cant be upset that people dont wanna get ganked and either move to a pve realm or form mono faction servers.

You can roll alliance on Gehennas or horde on firemaw and kill as many dudes questing/running to dungeons as you want.

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im happy if they finally leave. pvp realms are for pvp enjoyers. No i dont want to role monofaction realms. whats the point playing alone

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Should just connect/merge the 3 english speaking pvp servers. Makes no sense to not to do it.


Agreed… /10 chars/

Same with firemaw, 99% alliance, I’ve only seen about 5 horde

Id do it, actually good idea if I could still raid, do rbgs/arenas with equal skilled people. So we either need like retail that we can look for people through a lfg system or merge firemaw with Gehennas


PvP server is just code for grief. People don’t want to spend their time corpse walking so they voted with their feet. This isnt going to suddenly change.

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If you cant defeat person who used to gank you, or you are just nub and dont know what your buttons do, you go for pve realm, no ruin someone else experince. Simple as f…

They should just do War-Mode alike realm-agnostic mode for those who want to PVP, easiest way to fix this.


Implying its not a 3-5 man group griefing.


no, in 90% situations it is not.

sometimes yes, it is 2vs1, but I still kill one of it and gain honor (see chat)

my main concern is that in WOTLK Пламегор-EU (Flamegor-EU) faction balance was 40/60 and now it is 27/73.

alliance is leaving somewhere (EU I guess) and Flamegor may became russian horde server.

by the way, just got massreport and mute (and 2 weeks ban incoming) for one sentence in Ukrainian language (without politics and offences) in chat.

thinking about moving to US-Grobbulus.

Yesterday I was suspended for a week because of ganking in Deepholm. Mass reports from goldsellers =/

I think I love you

oh, I’m finally level 85 and that epic WPvP battles on Tol Barad Isle on dailies…

People want world pvp because the classes are finally fun to play.

Never happen in EU unless blizz had ballz to unite some two monofaction servers (not the firemaw/gehennas but smaller one)

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