World PvP is actually great

Hello, dear Classic community!
Greetings from the only faction-balanced server in our region.

Today I wish to talk with you about one of greatest thing in World of Warcraft that happens before you hit level cap, and it is called World PvP.
Our European friends with monofaction-only servers sincerely believe that is dead, but we have at least two well-balanced servers: Пламегор-EU and Grobbulus-US, so please read this post to the end.

So, our colleagues from this forum, who have scared the 40/60 balance and destroyed Firemaw-EU with their own hands, are repeating some mantras for self hypnosis, such as:

- World PvP is always about high levels killing lowbies and it is unfair.
No, ganking have nothing in common with WPvP.
Let’s define World PvP as a spontaneous fight between low-level character(s) within one level bracket (10-20, 20-30 etc.)
Why these conditions? Because capped characters can always skip such fights due to flying possibility after TBC release, and also it is very unlikely: they are just leveling in different locations.

- No one interested in World PvP in 2024 year.

  1. I’m insterested, so this statement is false by default
  2. Nothing wrong with people that really not interested in WPvP, but there always were PvE servers for them.
    PvP in your realm type means literally “Player versus Player”, so once you chosen that – you should always be ready to encounter such activity.

- World PvP is unfair, because enemies can attack me in crowds.
Invite you friend/guildie or just ask for help in LocalDefense channel.
MMO in your game genre means literally “Massive Multiplayer Online”.

- If you want to do PvP, go to battleground or arenas.
They are completely different game modes.
While you have limited set of maps for battlegrounds/arenas, you have the whole zone with all that obstacles, ledges, mobs and guards, which you may use.

And yes, of course, not always it is as good as I describe, for example, in the middle of expansion, when everyone is so busy with endgame content and noone leveling toons, World PvP is really dead, nevertheless of faction balance.
But isn’t it better to have that option to have some fun at least between patches, when everyone is leveling and open world is so alive?

So, why am I writing this?

Mainly, because I really want to move onto EU from my garbage realm, but I can’t, because lovely playerbase just ruined Firemaw-EU on their own.
Playing for a faction in the minority is a special pleasure, because you will always have World PvP content. (of course, sometimes World PvP content is you)

I know that Blizz does not even remember that EU forums are exists and nothing will change of course, but maybe I’ll at least change some people’s mind, who don’t even remember, how fun World PvP was back in the day (and still is, if you playing in well-balanced server, hehehe)

Instead of postscriptum, I’ll share two screenshots with battle for resources needed for first quest in Outland (20 orcs and 10 wooden sticks, etc), the result was 2:1 in my favor – so it was fair and really fun battle.

Well, so as not to think that this is some kind of rarity and happens once a year, here’s another story that happened literally an hour later.

We decided to have fight with the priest (he attacked me), the fight was not too easy, he didn’t die, neither did I.

Then he feared me for the second time without a trinket, and I hit the mob in the fear.
He saw it and decided not chase me.

By the way, in the chat you may see “помочь?”, which is “should I help?”, from a level 80 death knight who was nearby. He saw the mess but didn’t intervene without need - that would be unfair and so fun to kill someone with 1 button.

World PvP doesn’t exist, yes.
All the best, and safe travels.


Big ++ let them know! Pvp is great- no matter what, sometine you kill and sometine you are killed, simple: wanna pve then go pve realms.


Im jealous that i dont speak this language. Wow in General turned into a furry Simulator these days, to much cuteness and wokeness, snowflakes everywhere, it once was WARcraft, not this peacecraft, good old times


I wish Golemag was 50/50 like SoD servers.
Felt so much more alive, rather than solo world.

Atleast give people free transfer to a new server that have 50/50 ratio rule.

Its easy implemented if there is a will from Blizz. But i doubt it =/


They dont care at all anymore i noticed, after seeing this prepatch mess, but they have the Courage to add a cash shop lol


Couldn’t agree more!!!
Wpvp is such an amazing part of WoW and it’s what makes the open world feel spicy.
Sadly there are too many weak-minded sheep that created the monofaction dilemma.
It’s terrible tbh and not a single server deserves the PvP tag…
I played the minority faction (horde on firemaw) for all TBC and Wotlk, but it’s frustrating if u want to find a group any PvP content at all…

Let REAL PvP be a part of WoW again and open a server with Faction caps like in SoD


The world of pvp is the World of Warcraft. In all videos, we are shown exactly how the alliance and the horde fight in the open world. And in fact, the game was turned into collecting flowers and killing monsters in dungeons.

I remember how several “new Warcraft” players proved to me in 2018 that PVE is more difficult than PVP.

Then it became clear that the era of old Warcraft was dying.

But then why pvp servers, if there is no pvp world?

Oddly enough, the game itself brings us to the World PVP. Saying - dress up in BG and take a gladiator in the arena, then in the open world - defeat the opponent.

Return faction balance to pvp servers!


Instead of questing in between of dungeon spam (yes, with proc every 40 minutes) I had funny PvP session.
Firsly I kill at least few hordies (last two can be seen as honor gain in da chat), but then they joined a party and just started reskilling me.

Yes, that’s a part of world PvP too, I don’t whining, it was really fun.
Maybe, some day, we, European players, will make a balanced server as we destroyed Firemaw?

Maybe with help of Blizzard?


World pvp doesn’t exist on EU either, major realms are all 99.9% one faction. Blizzard refuses to get rid of realms altogether when everything is cross realm already and finally merge every realm into a giant big EU server with all the alliance and horde.


People, in general, have the wrong idea of World pvp.

There’s two prevailing mindsets:

  • World pvp is only ganking, and;
  • World pvp is Tarren Mill vs. Southshore, “and that hasn’t happened since vanilla”.

Cataclysm was great because unlike Wrath it put its daily questing hub in areas where flying was disabled. These areas were also designed for max level characters. This meant that skirmishes were common, and smaller battles could erupt at any moment.

Personally I preferred world pvp over instanced pvp because of three reasons:

  • It was the wild west of WoW. Anything goes, no consumable is forbidden. It wasn’t balanced, it was chaotic and it was fun.
  • It created a sense of community. Each server had its own heroes and villains, and even if you weren’t among the top 500 players in the game you could still earn a reputation for yourself by simply participating.
  • It made the world feel dangerous. No NPC in the world would pose any threat in Wrath. Players would. And not everyone attacked. In TBC classic I wasn’t very aggressive in world pvp and would often leave other players alone, but I liked having them around. If attacked I would defend myself. A red name in the vicinity meant real risk, and that sense of danger evoked a certain kind of thrill that’s been woefully missing throughout the entirety of Wrath.

It’s so sad that there is no any balanced English realm in EU.
Let’s make a petition for Blizzard or something like that, as I see I am no one that weirdo that actually likes it.

Even one medium-sized balanced realm would be a game changer.


This came from the moment when classics were first introduced and streamers who were killed - shouted that it was ganking. “That this is bad and it violates the rules of the game” and even demanded the blocking of those players.

This is ridiculous.

When I started playing wow classic I was often killed by a skull level rogue. And that was okay.

Because when I reached his level, he was already in my place.

And when you were attacked by players ± of your level and there were more of them, then you simply called your friends, or people of your faction, who ran nearby and the battle began not for life, but for death)

World pvp makes warcraft - warcraft.


You said you have balanced server. Pls stay there - it would be better for everyone

Yea i dont understand why they dont Just make 1 big server at this point like in retail. I would be happy also with warmode, atleast some PvP. So many more would play cata. I refuse to play it right now

I honestly don’t understand the point of your post, you literally preface it with you being on one of the two remaining PvP realms in all of classic that still have both factions. So stay there. Or are you trying to recruit more players? Nobody from EU will move to a realm with it’s name in cyrilics, no matter how much they may like griefing in the open world.


I cant read it anymore, im sorry, you are calling Wpvp griefing, snowflake, ofc there are griefers like in every game. Being ganked and griefing are two different things. I know its hard to understand for pve players

World PvP has very little to do with actual PvP. 1 person who actively wants to PvP hunts down people who dont wanna PvP. Youre allowed to do that, but dont be surprised if the people getting hunted cba with this which results in mono servers.
If blizzard wants to do anything for PvP (which I doubt) improve arena or even bgs, dont waste your time on “world PvP” because jimmy wants to to get a sick clip of him deleting 2 pve andys on their way to the raid.

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Then you shouldnt have picked a pvp server.
Whining about pvp on a pvp server is… :rofl:

Go and play with pve players then.
There is no shame in playing on a pve server. There you can cuddle with the oposing faction :slight_smile:


It’s like a conspiracy theory.
Where did you get that from?
“A person who wants pvp tracks people who don’t want pvp”?

For people who don’t want pvp - there are pve worlds.


Even in SoD the majority of people on PvP servers dont wanna PvP at all. Im not defending those players for choosing the wrong realm, however my point still stands: “world PvP enjoyers” wanna farm pve andys in the open world because they dont want competitive PvP