World PvP madness

So this is to what world PvP has become, 30 ally monkeys waiting at fly master and killing horde one by one, and then they run off when horde make group ? Wonder how long this game will last in this pvp state. PvP bgs ----PvE world. (i know i know turn war mode off, i would if there would be equal reward as on ) simple. oh ye aparently ally have a nextra 370 and AP quest to kill horde players. nice one blizz and 30% gg. Its stupid as mythic G-huun.


The random madness is what I love about WM :slight_smile:


Ever thought they could’ve gotten bored or phased? Was a horde group few nights back running around then ally made a group and the horde mysteriously vanished

Seekers Vista. There is always a horde group.

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Lmao what did you expect OP? Wpvp has always been the wild west of PVP, where everything can happen and fights are unfair to the core.
This is exactly how it should be.
If you don’t like it, turn off WM and do BGs.

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Horde is crying again even with their alliance characters, cry more scums, nothing will help you :slight_smile: u should reroll to alliance, that buff is really sweet

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No, do not! Not only the 30% buff is nice, also low waiting times for (random) BGs. And all “winning team joiner” who switched from Alliance to Horde, this is what you deserve, hehe…

https ://puu .sh/ClabB/611808fe06.jpg

poor horde players.

yeah let’s switch and stay until horde gets 30% and then i’ll see you crying on the forum again

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And once again the Horde is noly making kills due to being in a 30m+ raid group camping WQ in an invasion. Screw you Horde… We can’t even muster up these kind of people! But then it’s fine, but when some Alliance do it back (like you did at flight paths constantly like Seekers Vista 24/7 pre-8.1) it’s suddenly a problem…


There is no reason to turn pvp on as allies without the 30% buff. Everything is horde dominated. Atleast there is some WPVP now. I kinda like it. Although doing the quests with pvp enabled as a warlock in its current state is suicidal.

Spent 40 minutes trying to do a single WQ. Impossible. Packs of alliance roaming everywhere. Disabled War Mode. Have no intention of turning it back on anytime soon.

The worst thing, is that you can’t even go AFK in Great Seal anymore, because Dazar’alor is constantly raided. Go make a sandwich, return to see your corpse.

AFKers in WM are offensive, kill em all! I’m thinking more the ones that AFK on a road in mid zone tho. Them and the resource gatherer bots! And anyone else doing WM not for WPvP. Get em!

We need to increase actual WPvPers and reduce the rest. Been trying to do my bit. Hopefully it will all balance out by end of expansion :slight_smile:


when 8.1 came out, and i headed to my first invasion point which was having place in drustvar near alliance base and i see what is going on i was laughing so hard. That was looking like EVERY alliance player has turned wm on and all those horde “pvpers” who got used to free 10% (even damn warlocks, even they do have wm on on horde) this time got surprised. Horde was trying to do invasion quests, but holy cow, 30% alliance rage was unstoppable, horde got wiped several times. It reminds me of wintergrasp, where it was always kept by horde but one day a week, the wednesday, the whole evening it was always alliance because pve’rs want their vault :smiley:


Come 1 V 1 i will gank your body until you log off , AOH but wait you can only 40 V 1

calm down, lil cow


Stay out of this or you will get these horns !

This is world pvp.Some ppl forgot or didnt know what it is. If you want a fair fight join a bg or an arena or take the other option, WM OFF.


And you cannot possibly be more correct!

top lel @ horde crying about getting ganked after they had WM basically all to themselves since launch