World pvp problems

There was an invasion in Storm song and these hunters kep disapearing durring fight. appearing again atacked oince or twice then disapeared again. how is this possible?
2nd problem. a paladin atacked me and he had the littlke buble not the big one all the time. i know it has 1.5 min cd how the hell did he get it every 10 seconds back?

1st. You know those WQ on Assault that transform you into something - like for example Water Elemental on Nazmir Assault… Well, zones for these WQ are very buggy and players can phase in/out simply by moving a few steps. You can follow them throug this “phase border” and go to the same phase as they are. Similar thing happen at Naga invasion WQ in Zuldazar, where if you go beyond FP zone - you’ll cross in another phase.

Bugs were reported since Assaults started in 8.1, still nothing fixed. Players who know about those bugs are using them to hit and run.

2nd. If that bubble looked like this - it wasn’t an ability - it’s a tank trinket.

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i don’t know how it looks to be fair. i kept hitting him and he kept having it. it took a lot of punishing before it disapeared then he casted it again or what ever. plus the horse ability from pallies also allwas used it when i went far form him. it weas like all hi’s cd’s were availeblke all the time. will keep an eye for the trinket tho. ty for the info

I noticed that some paladins in wpvp paladin are unkillable in 1v1. I fighted many paladins and couldnt kill them: bubbles, heal, bubble,heal,bubble, from 5% hp >in 1 sec full hp and restart. Its like they dont have any cd for skills. And what is annoying that while they heal and bubble themselfs, they dmg the enemy, not like shamy that to survive must stay ghost wolf. There are some bugs or exploits regarding paladin? They are the hardest class to kill.

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