Hi all,
what type of world pvp activity counts towards the game metrics? I guess being 120 level and killing a (poor) guy being lvl 30!! does not give you anything right?
What about level 110-119 people. Do they also count as grey?
Hi all,
what type of world pvp activity counts towards the game metrics? I guess being 120 level and killing a (poor) guy being lvl 30!! does not give you anything right?
What about level 110-119 people. Do they also count as grey?
Killing 110-119 players counts for some bits of honor points and counts towards Assassin Buff & Bounty, nothing else.
Killing lower lvl players - your own personal satisfaction if you into that, and opposite faction kill counter in statistics.
Killing 120 lvl players - counts for quests, achievements, max possible honor points, in addition to all above.
thanks for the reply
Let be honest, any PVP that is done outside arena has no value. It just done for fun.
Sad that this game is balance around 3 players chasing other 3 players around the pillar in a confined box.
Thus killing any players outside arena gives you nothing really, maybe for the alliance its counted for the first week when the reward was 400 but now that its 385, not even worth it.
Tbh, I play this game only for fun, so it has the main value for me.
Same here mister void elf
Yup, fun is the value to me.
So i guess playing arena is unfun for ppl playing that?
I assume ppl that play Arena find the PvP fun. They also get rewards suitable for their effort and their rating, and the competition and rating itself is also reward. That’s the value and fun of Arena, if you value those things.
WM has its own value, if you value any or all of these; WM bonus, extra talents, easy to aquire but low ilvl quest items, extra ‘risk’ of WM pve, killing Horde/Alliance, randomness.
Arena and WM both have PvP, but whereas Arena is pure PvP, WM is PvE/PvP = WPvP. Arena and WM don’t really compare, two very different game modes.
Value and fun is just down to point of view. I personally focus on what I find fun in the game, WM
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