It definitely increases conflict having the wpvp quests, there’s always big group fights going on in whichever zone the quests are in. You can just turn wm off you know if you’re gonna complain about being ganked
If they are killing, that’s increased conflict isn’t it. Good for war mode.
People can do it for any reason they want, why does it matter?
This pretty much sums up Wpvp
Can we just remove the F***ing bonus already? people whine everyday that they get rekt in pvp on the forums & when im in warmode i only fight tanks that avoid combat like its bloody corona & dhs and rogues
Heck i’ve even seen groups of horde & alliance waiting for quest objectives without fighting eachother at all … all/most in tank specs too
The OP usally prooves this aswell
Or just turn wm off if don’t want PvP, a simple solution that’s already in the game.
With the type of tryhard minmaxing community i dont think thats gonna work
It’s like expecting a thief not to steal just because he said so
It works because if they don’t like PvP they can turn off WM. If they leave WM on and complain about PvP, that’s not a War Mode problem.
killing and conflict is not the same tho.
a conflict kinda needs to oposing groups to work.
having 5 vs 1 is not having 2 oposing groups.
true they can do it for any reason, does not mean that blizzard should encorage pve people to wm for min maxing, instead they should let it run its course and have zero rewards, if anything they could make it so that you gained x% increased XP(and only XP) in wm, that would still make up for the loss of time leveling in vm compared to not leveling in vm, but as you dont get a repair bill from getting killed by the opposing factions dont see a reason for increased gold income, the azerite gains from open world could be reasonable to increase but would just make the system more complex then it should be.
It’s conflict, it’s up to the outnumbered side to resist if they feel like it. That solo player did not feel like resisting by grouping up. It happens. That’s on them, not war mode.
Well, as someone who WPvP’s a lot, I really don’t care what my enemies reason is for turning on WM. I just want to kill them. So from my point of view, WM works fine. If they are not in it to WPvP, that’s their problem imo.
from my point both sharding and reasons for going for WM is broken and really needs a fix, a sharding fix could make it so the groupings is more balanced, a removel of shiny extra rewards from WM would make it so that there would be less of the people only going there for the shiny and then going back out and would also balance the zones out more instead of having a few battle at the start of week in the call to arms zone else everyone just leaves each other alone because they want the extra shiny instead.
it might make more fights about rares and the like happen then what i see now, at least if a sharding fix is also made, should be so that you can’t artificailly make it so your faction dominate a shard, i know it might make some shards where there are no ally at all atleast if we assume the ratio stats approxemently the same, but that would still be better then having hord dominate 9 out of 10 shards but ally dominate 1 out of 10, instead have 2 shards that are about equal in factions and have 8 overflow with only hords, but without any shinys reward for WM the only difference would be the lack of the opposing faction to kill, as you would not gain 10-30% increased anything or any call to arms quest or against all odds quest to get shinys from so at worst you get the same experiance as the pve shards into you get into a shard with semi balanced factions.
for me that would make it more fun as the chance of something happening back and forth between the factions is higher that way and most people would to some degree be willing to fight the oposing faction else they would turn the wm off as it would not give them any reward for having it on anyway.
Well, always room for improvement! There should be something extra in there for WPvPers. BfA gave us bounties and air drops, something else new for SL I hope!
i have nothing against stuff like airdrops or bounties tho that is fine(tho something different for shadowlands fitting for the expansion would be good)
what i have something against is the Call to arms, aao and the way the sharding system works, removing the call to arms, aao and change the bonus to xp increase only would be a good start in my opinion, the sharding system is a hell lot more complex to change tho they should do something so people cant shard hope so much and unbalance shards to the degree it is now.
I usually play Alliance, but recently created a Horde. I must admit, when playing my Horde in WM it’s very noticeable being on a single faction Horde overflow shard. Obviously in a background queue for a dual faction shard, no Alliance in zone, and when the queue pops (silently), suddenly lots of Alliance around. It is a bit jarring.
But when I am on my Alliance, WM seems at its best on normal shards. Usually plenty Horde and Alliance around because on a dual faction shard. Sharding works quite well as an Alliance on a normal WM shard, because there is no difficulty balancing it. Ofc zone balance naturally varies with player distribution, etc., but that’s fine. Horde on the other hand are too often on a single faction shard, waiting to join a dual faction shard. And ofc the prob is lower Alliance WM participation.
Hopefully in SL, Blizz can do something to even up the WM participation on both factions. The outnumbered reward system works to a degree, in that it was much worse without it - but, needs something more for SL I’d say. For Horde gameplay anyway. I have no complaints on Alliance WPvP.
my problem lays in the fact that as a horde you have 2 options for a shard, one there is none or close to no alliance on the shard or it is alliance dominated with few horde left.
instead they should make it so the shards where more balanced ofc it is anoing to be in a shard of no allys but that is how it is currently because of limited amount of alliance playing in wm.
now if the sharding problem could be fixed and removing the pve rewards(other then the xp boost if they abselutly want anything in there) and the call to arms, AAO, instead had stuff like the air drop or naji battle, tho with a limit in how the groupe shards so you cant shard in raid after raid. so something like moving people to the shard with least of onces faction when grouping up instead of to the shard of the leader would be an option, it would fix the sharding in people to dominate shards
At the end of the day, the sharding issue is not enough Alliance in WM in region. They should do something (more) to fix that, then sharding fixes itself. All the shard manager needs to do a better job is 50/50 faction balance in the region.
not the sharding issue im talking about tho.
im talking about the sharding issue of people being able to dominate a shard by getting more of your own faction into the shard and that way geining a massive dominace of the shard, fixing that issue would help with WM just as much if not more and removing the issue of the pve benefits to being in wm would remove the people only being there for the pve benefits and would also be more healthy for wm in the long run
Ah, well ye some don’t like that. I don’t mind it. If I am outnumbered I just group up.
Honestly world pvp is just not in a functional state in WoW anymore, it was a lot better in the earlier days of WoW because the self healing, survivability etc was a lot lower so people died quicker, and people had a bigger chance at doing something cause of that. Now it is so limited what you can do, and blizzard way of making world pvp is through quests placed in places like assaults, which only incentives people to form a group of 5, and fly around killing people that are usually alone, flying also makes this way worse. What they should do in my opinion is having a zone dedicated for a “war” like Tol barad which was pretty decent.
That’s not ‘World PvP’ but sure.
Yeah not really “real” world pvp, but sadly it is a better option than the current type. Give people a place to go with real objectives to do surrounding pvp like the wintergrasp, tol barad type. Have locations that needs to be captured, and more things like that. things to fight over to control.
Be good to give us the choice ye, current chaos wpvp which I like, but I would also do semi-WPvP in closed zones too. Maybe in next expac!