I agree with the guards being … why do they even exist?
A guard should be able to basically one or two-shot ANY invader, no matter how big their item level is.
A guard can barely yell help before a lowbie horde kills them in Goldshire, for example. What’s the point of guards that can’t protect the city or village?
Also, in my opinion, horde invaders should be FORCED to put PvP flag on if they come to our territory - I mean, you go to enemy territory and then you just sit there, no one being able to attack you? That’s NOT how it works in real life in war zones.
These two factions are at WAR, why are they allowed to be such traitors and collaborators and fraternize? It sickens me to see goldshire being always infested by even lowbie horde with PvP flag off, they basically dominate our beautiful goldshire.
Make guards strong, force PvP flag on, and LET US KEEP GOLDSHIRE CLEAN! That would be a good start in starting to make WoW great again!
Another weirdness they introduced to BfA… why can’t I use one ability, if I use another? Why can’t I use another potion, if I use one? Everything is like this these days, can’t ‘chain’ abilities, like doublejump, then demonic trample - no, if I jump, I can’t trample. That’s just annoying and slows down everything. Sometimes there is nothing I can do, literally, because every ability is ghosted or in cooldown. What’s going on… why can’t I just play and do my thing, why is everything arbitrarily slowed down like this?