Flight Of The Dragons WQ in emerald dream appears to be broken. Drakes that you need to knock down are just not spawning, or simply are not flagged for interaction. Please fix.
I’ve had this issue when flying into the quest area and then trying to do the quest. One of the quest objectives is to mount your drake and it seems that if you don’t actually do that in the quest area becuase your already mounted, the drakes you need to kill don’t always activate.
Try landing in the quest area, dismount and then mount up which will complete the “mount your drake” objective. Thats always solved it for me.
It is outside the quest area at /way 35,20 35,11. It is not very well marked, but it is there.
Yep, you can alternatively use the Green Drake NPC instead of your Dragon Riding mount as Aegga said above.
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