World Quest Unlock?

Im exalted on every faction in BFA with my priest.

So do I need to get the 3 main factions reputation, on my alt, to friendly aswell so I can unlock World Quests or did they make it account wide by now?

Mabye someone of you knows the truth :smiley:

Account wide. Once you reach 120 you will
automatically unlock world quests :slight_smile:

Ohhh really? Cause with my last twink i had to farm it to friendly aswell…
If you just wanna chill in dungeons as healer and level this are great news :slight_smile:

You just have to report to your ship when you hit 120 and they’ll unlock them for you.


What she said :see_no_evil: Forgot to mention you need to speak with Nathanos once you reach 120

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