World Server Down?

Guys, just tried to enter UC and was immediately met with crazy lag, and loads of people running on the spot.

Then tried to relog and now stuck on a 90% loading screen.

World server down?


N.B Had to edit an annoying rushed spelling mistake I made haha!


Same problem here. My friend has tried to disconnect and now can’t get back in. He is standing in the middle of UC.

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Bugger, was hoping to get done with Brill before bed :stuck_out_tongue:

This is incredibly irritating. Is there a cause for this?

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No idea, can’t find any information anywhere!

Never mind, found out it was because of some streamer causing an influx of people. How great.

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What really? This streaming business is big!

I hope they allow server transfers for Classic. I don’t wish to be on the same server as a single person that can cause this much of a problem.

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Aye, very frustrating! Although it’s cool that the amount of players is strong! (But maybe not to the extent of destroying the server!!)

Its because of a big battle in Hillsbrad, but more to the point its because Blizzard and their servers are legit stuck in 2006.

What streamer? Frustrating :frowning:

Oh that’s why I couldn’t hearth to UC. Great, least my hearthstone isn’t broken then.

Welp, I also went to UC and now I can’t get back in because world server down… nice…

Same here … Took the FP to UC and someone from my guild told me it was bugged… read it a bit too late as it seems since i can’t log back in with my main character who is in UC while my banker is loggin in with no problem at Orgrimaar… What’s going on !?

I don’t think it’s reasonable to blame someone for organising an event with a lot of players. That should be possible in an MMO RPG, and we want to be able to have large numbers of people in one zone for world PVP. It’s the server not supporting behaviour that is supposed to be possible in the game that’s the problem, not the players involved.


Was able to log back in again BTW. Stuff seems to be back to normal, for me at least.