World server down

Maybe… but you won’t…

Americans never cease to amaze.

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joined x100

I got in for a few mins then got DC´d again ^^

It’s ok guys. They just updated and improved the spell batching system.

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Nah I’m just sitting here like a pleb staring at the forums and questioning my life :smile:


KATTBAJS!! Jag är så jävla less alltså.

and then u see 1000x [name] left channel

speak human on forum…

Im a troll.

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What is this sorcery?!

hacked by Hong Kong hackers

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Ah yes, finally a reason to post this again :stuck_out_tongue:



What winds me up with this is the lack of customer care from Blizzard. They have a huge player base on subscription, teams of talented engineers and I imagine a pretty decent bank balance - But stupid stuff like this keeps happening and there doesn’t seem to be an apology or actual acknowledgement of the issue. Their twitter stream just says it’s being investigated, Blizz you should actually write ‘We’re really sorry…’. If I drop the ball in work and inconvenience someone I apologise because it’s what you do, they obviously take their customers for granted (and they can afford to at their size) and it’s damn annoying. If we think about all the issues at launch as well, it wasn’t resolved in time and as far as I know I’ve not had any game time back or a refund, Blizz, just do better, be competent (maybe try decent QA before you release something in your backend…) and look after your customers.


Multibillion company btw KEKW

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I would actually pay more monthly to avoid **** like this lol

I demand a Crusader Enchant Formula! I can’t farm it, can i!

I was flying from Booty Bay to Stormwind and got thrown off into the river in northern STV… seems you can’t even stay on your gryphon while disconnecting.


Ashbringer - Horde
If anyone wants to like, network, hit me up.
Sarang, Priest, level 36 :stuck_out_tongue: