Worst Character Concepts

What up Argent Dawn.

World of Warcraft is all about min/maxing to get optimal results and I don’t see why RP should be any different. I want to ask you to help me with a little experiment, I want us to try and craft the worst possible character concept.

To clarify, I’m not looking for examples that you’ve seen or any kind of naming and shaming, I want to see something fresh and new and tasty. It can be based off something you’ve seen, but try and make it your own. I’m also not looking for Goldshire ERP profiles here, strictly within the code of conduct.

Template below (Not all fields are required):

Eye Colour:
Short Description:
Short Backstory:
Voice reference:
Theme Song:

Additionally, if you want to really spice it up, let me know what kind of guild they would join up with, where they would be as their main RP hub and the kind of characters they would associate with.

Make me feel uncomfortable and dirty, Argent Dawn. Defile the established lore and stretch it to it’s limits. You know I love it.


You’re a weird guy, Akamito.


I get bored a lot tbh and I need to get my kicks somehow


Human male paladin.


Name: Sobair Brightstout
Race: Dwarf, Bronzebeard
Class: "Brew"master Monk
Age: Adult for a dwarf
Height: Short and stout
Eye Colour: bright green
Short Description: Sobair has a unusual healthy looking skin and eye colour, with his braids and beard spotting a strong golden blonde colour. Apart from his fist and feet that look very rough, his skin looks very soft and taken care of.
Short Backstory: Sobair is the dwarf they laugh about in stories among a tavern, one that drunkards swear to when they lie or mention when something unbelievable happens. But upon meeting Sobair the dwarves flee in terror as they’ve never believed it would’ve been possible among their species… a sober dwarf that never drank a drop of alcohol in his life! But… he’s a brewmaster, what does he brew? 100% Alcohol-free ales, laddey.

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There, now if someone can show me to the nearest furnace, I must be purified.


Name: Deathhoof
Race: Centaur
Class: Galloper
Age: Immortal spirit of the barrens
Height: Elixir of giant growth
Eye Colour: Fiery red
Short Description: OOCly portrayed by a Mag’har riding a Druid in doe form, Deathhoof towers above his enemies.
Short Backstory: He personally duelled Cairne and was only defeated when Cairne ordered his braves to shoot Deathhoof in the back as he was about to strike a killing blow. His spirit was raised by the witches of his tribe and roamed the Barrens killing unwary travellers. Now working as a bartender in Orgrimmar.


Darn, I was going to include that time 14 year old me tried to make a Forsaken Warlock who was Teron Gorefiend. (I even got the name!) Coincidentally, 14 is the level I got him to before some mercy descended and I lost interest in what was, in retrospect, a bad idea even for a teenager who really liked WarCraft 2.

Alright, let’s make up something fresh:

Tákáshï is too much of a cool, brooding loner to join a guild.


Arabian Uldum RPers


The panda concept got me good. Its the double l spellings and the (not like a girl) that tops it off.
You missed one detail. What his theme music is.


The answer is whichever 90s Nu Metal song you, personally, hate the most.

CRAWLING by llnkin park pls

Numb by Linkin Park (edited in to fit with my favourite anime fight scenes pls).

Only an answer like this suffices.

Hey Numb is damn good.

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Numb is everything that was cringe about my youth in one song. And like most people of the time, largely because I convinced myself the words applied to me when in an objective sense they really really didn’t. It’s an anthem of the overblown teenage drama.


I unironically like both Numb and Crawling because part of my soul is apparently still 14. Also, can we agree that the female character equivalent theme song is “Bring me to Life”?


Same tho.

Spot on! Or or that other one… Going under.


DJ Airy-Len dropping his sick IC soundtrack.

Damn I hated that band. People acted like she was the first female singer to do anything remotely non poppy. I just didn’t get it. The songs weren’t that good. 10/10 tho it is very much the female equiv answer.

Much better “rocky” female artists existed at the time tbh. I don’t judge my cringy teenage self too much on that front because I at least didn’t get sucked onto the AL is my bae train.

Was going to post but these guys stole my ideas.