Worst gaming expirience

After starting to play this game for a serious 12-13 hours a day with the Shadowlands Expansion, All i wanted was to learn how to play some nice pvp games and have fun…
Ive lost many many games and I was hoping to learn after soooo much hours and days
(over 1500games in 2v2 and 300+ in 3v3)… so much flames by the toxic comunity, no explanations of what is wrong and etc…
Today I end up in 1300 arena rating , my maximum was 1500 on my best day … I hardly was able to acquire the stupid spider mount , with payments for boosts…I can basicly say this game sux hard and any newcomers who came for pvp … it doesn`t worth it
PvE was garbidge as well as of 80% of the pug groups for M+ or CN never finished a dungeon nor level which lead to extreme time waste…


The question is:
Is the game bad or the community?

Obviously you can’t change the community meanwhile the game will be adjusted.
Hit me up if you want to play a bit, pretty sure we can cover some basics.

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The game is to blame.
The ilvl gap is awful and it creates huge issues.


the community is to blame too.

I mean flaming isn’t wow exclusive, just start a new overwatch account and get ready to be flamed by lifetime plat one tricks because you’re grinding the levels in quick play and you’re just not giving a ****, or just basically queue ranked and you’ll see that it’s not tied to wow. same goes for valorant and every other pvp game.

It’s never the people’s fault if they lose, if they can’t climb, if they can’t succeed, people will always blame their teammates, the game, the matchmaking system, and whatnot. People feel entitled in general. While the game doesn’t do much in order to keep a healthy environment, the one who are polluting it are the players.

Get rid of the ilvl gap issue and pick whatever from this list as toxicity fuel:

  • covenants
  • class balance
  • arena map design/balance

people don’t realise that yes, losing a single game to a blatant gear gap is annoying but over hundreds of games, all of those issues even out. if you are 1400 after 500 games, it definitely is because you deserve to be 1400. that’s it. and there’s nothing wrong with that, but the community in itself makes you feel like trash if you’re 1400 stuck while it doesn’t really matter since 1400 or 2500 you’re still not really good at the game and you’re still not competing in the championships.

like in every game and even more in wow which is an mmorpg, you’ll have an healthier game experience and environment by playing with like-minded people. hoping for the lfg system to match you with such people is like entering a bar and yelling “that new gojira track rocks” and getting ignored because people listen to all kind of different music genres. now post this a metalhead fb group or subreddit or even in a bar with a stage with a band playing and you’ll have a different experience.


False, the community is to blame.

The ilvl gap is fine, the issue is that so many players cant accept they don’t get the best of gear, so they buy an arena boost (Or hop into rbgs, which for some reason others refuse to) > get their gear > struggle to push on low rating which in turn upsets more people that do the same.

(I mean ffs, majority around here believe they deserve mythic end raid Ilvl by just making a character, or that because they sat 2100 in 8.3, they should be 2k+ now too)

This isn’t even new, it used to happen just as often in the past, but back then it was just for Elite Transmog instead, so people weren’t as butthurt over it.


The ilvl gap is not fine.
Does it stop from pushing to 1.8k? No.
Does it stop you from logging in and paying your sub? yea it does.
I quit because I cba to farm 400 wins in arena to upgrade all my crap.

I played to 1.6k with ilvl 197 and just quit the game because lol cba this garbanzo fest

IT IS NOT FUN playing at a massive disadvantage. Losing to some clowns in 226 gear because you got deleted by a single divine toll thanks to 30k HP pool makes you just want to quit.
Yea I did have 70%+ win rates but as always the losses just spoil the tea and they feel really bad.
Losses where you made a mistake and deserve to lose are easy to accept. Losses that you get by rng and gear gap just makes me quit the game.

System was ok in the first 2 weeks of systemlands, after that it just fell flat on its face with the stupid weekly chest and conquest catch up being the most r systems created.


ilvl gap is to blame, this is the direct causation, ppl will always chose what they consider being better for them, so the community wants to play with only endgame geared people

remove the huge ilvl gap and more players will benefit from it as you will shrink the conditions to be accepted into desired group:

  1. experience
  2. current rating
  3. ilvl

I mean I saw enough people who did prove that getting ilvl 220 gear outside of arena is possible. On top of that they did prove that they couldn’t even surpass 1,6k (in 2s). Other people on the other hand call exactly these people boosters meanwhile it’s just other random people who blamed the gear, got the gear and are still hardstuck.

Kinda insane how people always find something to blame besides themselves… literally every single expansion. Feel free to take any expansion, even in WoD, the toxicity was more of an issue at higher rating, between 2,1k and 2,4k. The rating and its meaning just shifted but people, for some reason, still ignore this fact.

The >current< game is bad, at every step possible, not only in PvP.

It has potential, but needs so many changes in all aspects of the game:

  • gearing in PvE & PvP needs improvement
  • catchup mechanics are needed for conquest / soul ash
  • drop chance of PvE needs to be increased
  • Honor Cap needes to increased or cost of upgrading decreased
  • Honor gain in PvP, especially Arena should also be increased
  • For Anima gain needs to be increased drastically
  • Venari Rep should be acc wide

If you played from the beginning the gearing was a big improvement over BfA. 3 choices and a Vendor so way less RNG than BfA.

The possibilities are there, its just that at every step possible its time gated. If you then even factor in the changes they make to payment its form of milking never seen before.

It could be good but its bad because of all the extra steps you have to do.

Idk, I unsubbed in BFA way earlier in the first season, still playing SL tho.

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Got mixed feelings on this one. Alts definitely need to be equipped faster. More conquest on win, some conquest on loss and you should be able to share honor with alts like back in wotlk.
PvE idk tbh, I mean we got the valor points, the costs seem to be insane, kinda better than nothing? Honestly idk how gearing for PvE people feels, a friend of mine who plays PvE gets his alts geared quite fast it seems. But prolly cause guild is helping I guess?

Ye something for conquest like “rest xp”.
Soul ash for sure, it feels stupid to wait a month for one legendary and then the same on alts lol…

Idk about that tbh… The guild I am in is PvE, they all unsubbed and it was definitely not the drop chance in PvE :stuck_out_tongue:

You mean for alts? Cause I am sitting on like 20k+ anima and have no clue what to do with it.


Maybe an MMO isn’t for you, if the very idea of actually needing to play the game to get gear, is offputting for you.

You can get honor elsewhere, no need to just play Arenas to upgrade all your gear.
Now, if you meant buying all the conquest pieces, well, you can get good conquest in RBGs, there’s the weekly vault that gives items. Weekly quests, brawl every so often.

But, I guess you rather shoot yourself in the foot and complain. Much easier, right?

You’ve said this several times, over a month ago too (if not more), and if this is actually true
then you’d have been in a good spot when it came to being geared, and it’d not have taken 400+ wins either to get the items. Something about your story doesn’t add up.

So 70% win loss ratio, with sub 200 Ilvl and needing 400 games? Your story is starting to make even less sense, if you’re gonna complain this much about being outgeared.

Absolutely not, perhaps for PvE, I dont do enough of that to have an accurate opinion, but the gearing in PvP as it currently is, is honestly more than fine.


Didn’t they already say that was the plan?

Disagree, you get pretty good honor for how fast the games are, and we have other means of getting it, Arena doesn’t have to be the BEST THING FOR EVERYTHING.

Hmmm, we have a long expansion ahead of us, do we really need that? We’ll probably end up with way too much anima as it currently stands.

For sure, but at least we wont be using venari sockets for next season (At least that’s what was said, I’ll try look for the comment regarding it)

Its not fine that alts need 32 to 36 hours before they are full 200 ilvl equipped.

I think it requires too much Honor to get 3 rewards.

For the casuals that want the transmog, that in the summ are more players than the PvP player ?

Good thing that’s not the case then, at all.
And even if it was, it took how long to get your main geared? Why is there this idea that alts need to be geared equally, with only 10% of the effort?

You can think something, but that doesn’t necessarily make it true.
The only time you don’t get much honor from Arenas, is if you’re losing all your games. But guess what, you wouldn’t get betting much Honor from BGs by losing either, nor much gear from any PvE scene by not killing the boss.

My point stands, the expansion is new, there’s a long time to collect anima, do you need all anima transmog RIGHT FRIGGIN NOW? (Not to mention, by doing content and not just WQs, you can already have an obscene amount of anima)
As with every other Expansion, we usually end up with WAY more of the XP currency than needed, even patch currencies. In other words; You’ll have plenty Anima for that transmog by the end of the XP.

Simple math… 9 000 points cap. 25 points per win makes 360 wins. Arena takes about 3 min with Q and prep time. 1080 min divided by 60 is 18 hours with 100% win rate. So 36 hours with 50%.

That is already gracefully calculated.

Catch up are the 2 magical words. Because at the start we all were on the same footing.

That is not the case anymore.

At the first point we already saw that simple math is a foreign language to you.

I calculated with 50% win rate of course.

Able to minimize RNG should be a QOL change and not a chore like a full time job as it was already in BFA.

Its bad design, except for KPIs for “player engagement” aka waste as much time as possible.

More left the game than ever, except WoD start.

Casuals quitting more than ever, and these are the people you need for rating inflation.

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You dont need the full 9k cap to be 200 Ilvl, which is what you originally spoke of.
On your alts you’re a :clown_face: if you didn’t do your campaign, which already gives a decent starter set + wep. (already quite close to that 200 ilvl goal, huh interesting)

True, you’ll be lacking in Versa, but that’s hardly a deal breaker at the CR/MMR you’re playing on with an alt in the process of being geared. (Or maybe it is, you cant even push past 2k with 220 ilvl)

With that gear, facing off at the people on really low CR, you can easily win with a much higher W/L, which drastically reduces the time, there’s alternative ways to get conquest too (not to mention weekly vault rewards)

Even in MoP (Because that’s the example most seem to use) It’d take ages to get a full set of conquest, you don’t need free epics all the time.

Hardly a foreign language, but you seem to love bringing up numbers that aren’t accurate, and pretending that’s how it is.
Your numbers are infact as irrelevant as the numbers Stoopz pulled in his updated video about honor upgrading, way back at the start of SL (Because all those hours he claimed turned out to be quite false)

The arena system works differently now, than it used to. When you can push your desired rating and then quit, obviously you’ll see more quit early / mid season compared to late. (And we’re infact pretty far into a season, so it’s obvious the numbers are going down)

As for the casuals? Good, casuals like you ruin pvp for the most part.

But hey, maybe you should stick to LFR raiding if you want those free epics!

I farmed all the honor gear to get into arena, the face people with 15k HP more than me.
Yea I think we have different ideas of playing the game to get gear.

I mean do you even play the game?
Getting in rbg groups on an alt without waiting 8h is basically impossible.

What exactly does not add up?
I had a mix of honor gear and covenant gear, played in 2 sessions to 1.6k and stopped there because I wanted to get some more ilvl before I push further as I figured this is negative fun always playing an uphill battle and it will only get worse because the people get better.
Trying to farm conquests in bgs is just laughable. 3s is not my cup of tea but I tried and besides that people leave after every game, nobody invites you anyways with that ilvl not even 1.1k CR groups lol
So I figured why would I pay for lfg waiting room or getting smacked in 2s when I can just unsub.
So using I think the last 3 days of my sub to play the forum a while =)

use your brain man…
You need 300 wins to get full conquest gear (roughly) and you will not stay at 70% win rate as you will hit your cap skill/gear cap soon enough.

before argueing and defending dumb systems just think please. I have no reason to lie what I did ingame as this isn’t anything spectacular or to brag off.
Just telling the story why I and probably many others quit the game.
And guess what, if people quitting the game, it surely isn’t beneficial for the game or pvp.
So I just wish they would improve the conquest catch up. If possible I would also remove the rating gating even though I personally don’t need it, I don’t really want to out gear my opponents either.

Just for your story not adding up, my priest is ilvl 209 now if i recall correctly, because I could get some gear farming BG conquests and doing the weekly time gated chest and got 2 non duplicate items (albeit with the wrong stats).

I don’t really want to argue, just saying that ilvl gap indeed is a factor that people are quitting. For some it is because they think the get gear blocked, for others it just causes frustration even if not gear blocked but by the catch up system itself.
LFG will just to the rest to kill the game =)


Uh, no you didn’t, you’ve several times said you quit awhile ago and that you pushed your rating at the start of the season, if that’s the case, then people wouldn’t have been that ahead of you :thinking: You need to work on your lie, because everytime you bring it up, it makes less sense.

Do you play the game? There’s alt RBG groups up all the time, it’s been like that since the start of the PvP Season, maybe they just dont invite you 'cause you suck?

Everything, your entire story and the time period while claiming everyone is so geared.
Do better.

Cute coming from you.

Yet you do it, so often.

People like you quitting benefits pvp, but probably not Acti-Blizzard, they want the :dollar:

A pvper quitting over an Ilvl gap, is literally the same as a LFR raider quitting because he cant get mythic raid gear. Maybe some players just need to accept low casual rated pvp is for them, like some pve’ers have accepted they belong in LFR.

True, we see that daily on the forums, people in 220 gear losing at 1500 and claiming it’s because they face multi r1s in every game. Ironic, isn’t it?

I’m sorry, but I just cant take it seriously, because a lot of the players complaining and wanting a catchup system, are players like Jaki that couldn’t breach 1800 in arenas with a super spec early on, resorted to RBGs, and still struggle now while outgearing.

A catchup system wont fix anything for these kinds of players, and it sucks they cant accept that :man_shrugging:

That said, have a good night!

You need 10 550 conquest for all slots. Now you can subtract 1 slot for the Legendary. My calculation was very generous as i didnt even factored in the time to form an Arena Team to get near the 50%.

Only Maldraxxus offers decent Versa gear :clown_face:

I did it recently with a friend that is at 2100 to 2200 CR. Nope you cant.

In 80% of the games at 1200 we were still outgeared with me having 220.

Also i took a more general approach. Fine that you want to brag how good you are, but the points for the people higher in the system are not coming from you !

I just averaged it out for you. Maybe you should get a lecture of your elementary school math teacher.

Nothing to do with the point i made that it should offer less RNG and not more time gating.

Great that you have no arguments left.

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