Worst gaming expirience

Conquest gear should automatically upgrade when achieving new rating thresholds.

The first feeling after breaking into a new bracket should be excitement, not “Oh god, time to stop doing everything I was doing so that I can farm BGs.

It’s such blatant disrespect for player time it’s unfathomable to me.

Some stuff is awful, most is not. In general I enjoyed the expansion a lot.

The community was always toxic and garbage in WoW. People are entitled and think they deserve more than they got for literally no reason. I don’t understand why people think they deserve the rating X after 100 games played.

I hope you are trolling here tbh. Unless you are one of those guys who forgot how long it takes to farm gear in TBC, how annoying it was to play arena with randoms due to arena teams and limited people you could invite or how great it was losing a match because the main cc got resisted… I could actually go on but ye TBC was everything else than simple and beautiful regarding PvP.

You get your covenant gear and jump arena. Not long ago I made an alt, after ~130 games I am 1,9k cr and ilvl 220 without even trying, played only with people from lfg and no voice. Didn’t play WoW for a while tho, the new robin hood game is too fun :slight_smile:

Yes, it is smaller but you needed way longer to get the full set than getting 226 ilvl right now.

Kinda fun that many people pre release been hyped about it, knowing the system, barely anyone complained but we all know only because everyone thought he would be the one having the gear and smash the people. The moment people understood they are not the ones with the gear, they are the ones being smashed, they all started to complain :slight_smile:

Currently 90% of PvP community is like this:
-They buyed boost
-They behave like they legitlly earned their ratting
-They use you as boost mule after their boost session expire
-Even if you manage to win 10 games in row and lose 1x they will rage quit and your mom gonna be cursed
-Evrything is your fault
-Even if player somehow not buyed boost they are proly playing somekind of S-Tier meta setup (and we all know that even medicore skilled mata player can win versus unicum of non meta)

Thats WoW Arena in short…

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why is that even a question ?

The game is absolutely terrible.

Ive the most fun of my life playing on MoP private server for 6-7 hours straight and retail literally makes me want to deinstall and never touch this game ever in my life again after the first 5 Arenas i play

its really really really really terrible right now imo.

Oh and please don’t get me started about general class design and class & game depth.
It’s not even worth going into a discussion

am happy for the people who enjoy the game but for me it came to a point where the game just became unenjoyable in any way whatsoever.

Maybe further legacy expansions will fix that. Hopefully we will get those even.

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i just dont agree in the last point , most of the player blamed the gear from rating since the start also i did 1800 or more with 4 char (no one of them was a BM or a hunter 2S ) with no voice only lfg DAT dont mean its a nice experience for players get overgeard.! (ofc there a lot of bullshiet who want just rating for free but dat dont justife the toxic and despair exprience from gear ) ofc mmo would have some progression but not as much of sl ( maybe a less scale of itl in pvp? idk its not my job ) other season expect BFA was better .

image calling someone dh player, dat say all about you

Community is bad for game, this game is usurped by boosters, boosted people, meta slaves, rio score freaks and fake elitist, regular player existence in this game is almost not possible, because currently in WoW more time is spended looking into LFG table than playing game itself, which leaded alot of regular players to cancel sub, because people want to play the game not deal politics each time they want to do something in this game.

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