so i just unsubbed to the game. Status is the game is horrible, i have been playing wow arenas since cata and i have never seen wow pvp on such a bad state. I dont think i have to mention whats wrong with the game cause i bet you guys already know to be honest…
how come you dont do as the player base wants. Do you just want to watch pvp burn, or do you just dont care?
i think it´s both, if they dont have to balance around pvp, they will safe more resources
and the other thing, why should they care if only a handful of players are playing pvp while millions of other people just farming/buying shopmounts and playing pve
The balance and tuning in TWW compared to DF s1 is day and night. At least then they showed they did care about balance they made changes to tune outliers. After DF s3 they seemed to gave up. Sure the classes have been overloaded and the talent trees got more complicated but at least until the end of DF s2 he had some class balance. Now in TWW we got the same stuff with DF plus hero talents. More stuff to track and tune. For this kind of work , more workforce is needed . Why do they add more things when they cannot keep track of everything? Btw I have not taken into account the PvP talents which they have this archaic design since BFA .They just have given up and create FOTM according to their appeals and the rest have to live under this “tyranny” . If you are not FOTM reroller or you don’t play the FOTM you are kinda doomed. Is it hard to make if not all specs but the majority at least just competitive and not 3 specs completely broken?
Soon they in play houses. Imagine, whole df time to do something about shuffle or rated system, make it % based in all modes the all I care aslong it compensates for the dead modes not having players and still nothing for heals or anything else in general. But they announce to add play houses to the game… Priorities I guess, important things and all that
ive seen this exact post almost every season
and for the first time i might be almost incline to agree
no other season had both fire and arcane being this unplayable and worthless where you have to freecast 10 minutes in a row just to get close to 5th in dps.
Painful levels of immaturity to think a fricken company who wants to make money and retain subscribers would want to kill their own game.
Blizzard is releasing patches too fast, and not keeping up with the bug fixes. This is what happens when they push content out too fast. Not only can they not keep up with balancing the game properly, they are also playing whack amole with the amount of bugs that keep popping up.
The irony that blizz put solo to kill coordinated so people can play that solo as duo, and if they dont play that solo as duo then they are in disadvantage. I dont know anymore what do they want, I make no claims. I think they just dont know.
I gave three possible reasons. The one u mentioned sounds painfully immature to you. Well, hard truth, PvP doesn’t belong in modern MMOs anymore for their targeted audiences. Modern MMOs may have interest combat systems but most content is revolve around a bunch of solo and co-op boring pve stuff. The pvp is something “extra” , secondary game.WoW PvP community is a “relic” in the modern gaming. Out there , there are more competitive and more populous PvP games . This is the path WoW has taken , although WoW offers the best in this case.
Paying monthly for this garbage “balanced” game - but dont worry if you watch the 30th anniversary video, they gave us what we need which is another arena.
If you pause the video quick enough, youll be able to see it
Can I ask when exactly the game has been balanced? Give me the the patch in your eyes that was the most balanced.
That’s not me disagreeing with you by the way. I’m just curious. Because it seems like everyone has an entirely different idea of what balance actually is.
Arena gets new map apparently that amounts nothing, so just another cosmetics
No rework on any design. Where is the changes on rated system if they want to have design like shuffles or separate modes in general, why isnt modes put to % based rewards already so ppl could play whatever they want no matter participation. Ques are 30min still after 2 years and now blitz aswell. Who wants wait 20-30min ques to play the game. Who wants new map when it does nothing. Why is nothing done that matter and fixes something.
i think they have more mods in the awc twitch chat then pvp devs tbh.
They don’t care about what ever pvp as turned into , its the first time ever i don’t envy gladiators whit their mounts i think that says a lot.
plus are we getting gaslight into thinking everyone liked plunderstorm?