Worst support and user unfriendly ever

My character get stuck on the loading screen like 2 hours ago after exit BG.
When close the game and try to log in said WOW server is down but in the same time I am able to log in all my other 11 characters on the same realm.
I tried the incredibly useless chatbot that always refers me to character stuck service which after loading 5 minutes for every action gives error and create automaticaly some resolved ticket ??? and said to open a ticket to contact support.
But how ??? when again have go to the same way talk with the stupid chatbot that send me to the same bugged service that again and again said Ops something went wrong and do nothing.
Spend more that 2 hours and still can even find option to create ticket ???

I’m an IT consultant with 20 years of experience in one of the biggest companies in Europe, I’ve been playing wow for over 15 years and I can’t find how the support system works and I am not able to open ticket for more than 2 hours so far, what’s left for some kid or a new user.

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go under your account setting and there is an support option where you can contact support

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i thought he need 30 years of expirience IT, instead of 20.

joke :stuck_out_tongue:

Some things are hard to figure out in those pages i agree for sure.
Hope you’ll find the fix you need.

Why cant i full delete my other post? :sweat_smile:

because you need 35 years of experience :sunglasses:

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Hi there Exp,

I’m sorry to hear about the troubles you ran into with this. The self-service character really should be able to help in cases like this, and I realize the user experience turns pretty frustrating when things break down.

Typically the best option at that point is to simply wait a bit and try again later.

Hopefully you’re back in action already but if you still can’t access the character, use the self-service option to move it, or submit a ticket in another category, please include the details of the character here and we’ll take a look!


I’m sorry but this is not a breaking down issue.

Your support ticket system is impossible to use, you have to click on so many things to “prove” this is an issue you actually need a human to respond to - and also find that even then you can’t submit a support request because there isn’t an appropriate category.

Then the response you get is factually inaccurate.

And then your attempt to respond to that ticket is met with a persistent error preventing you from accessing your ticket and adding further information.

Then it is is automatically closed after several days - and all you Blizzard employees go out for drinks thinking you’ve done a a good job today.


Something everyone can agree with and this is not just your frustration speaking. When looking for a category to fit my problem in, over the last ten times I simply couldn’t find an appropriate path to opening an actual ticket.

I actually had to look for a guide on how to start writing about my issue to someone other than Murky-bot. There is only one order of clicking things that achieves this and every other results in a dead end.

So naturally by the time someone reads about my troubles, they probably know nothing about it because it wasn’t even classified as a gameplay issue to begin with.

Opening a ticket has become a last resort unless I’m dealing with payment. Money always gets sorted out quickly without too much hassle but for everything else users end up voluntarily closing the ticket themselves because the process ends up going nowhere.