Worth coming back for RP?

Hey. Long time no see.

It’s become a bit of a tradition at this point to get back into WoW RP when there’s talks of another lockdown in my country. I’d quit for ‘good’ following the lawsuit, and only really followed WoW through reddit to get schadenfreude at its mounting controversies and lore abominations, but recently I’ve felt nostalgic.

But, looking at the forums, things don’t seem all that active (understandable, with the current state). I know Orgrimmar finally breathed its last breath as a hub, but how’s Stormwind? And are there many active Alliance guilds right now? I know RP has solidly become server event + guild-based, which I don’t mind, so I’d preferably want to find a guild.

Anyway excited to see who stuck around.

I don’t think AD is quite as dead as it might seem on the forums. There’s no shortage of RP to be found in Stormwind, and Dalaran evenings are usually pretty busy as well. Orgrimmar… I get the impression it’s not dead per se, but its activity is definitely tied to whether guilds are in between campaigns or not.


It is. I think lost some numbers in general but only need to put in the effort to create and start something if things feel a little stale, or contribute to one that is up and running.

Boralus is alive!

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Hey Mogi! Stormwind’s been mighty active recently, though the quality has noticeably deteriorated. Most gdrp communities/guilds appear to be either PCU or elsewhere from Stormwind - at least in my experience. I realise I’m making a generalization, and I clearly don’t mean everyone.
I’ve just run into a lot of… how do I say, cringe… recently.

Be it vampires, sin’dorei in Stormwind, the docks overtaken by ERP… it’s -interesting-.

There’s no doubt diamonds in the rough, though - I still come across plenty of fun people to RP with; I’m just extra cautious about it now, sadly.
Neutral RP, like those that use Dalaran as a hub, however, appears to be bustling periodically. Plenty of interesting people, guilds, and IC businesses to interact with.

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I’ve noticed players returning to the game. Some I know, some I don’t.

I was shocked to see a fair few RPers active in Ashenvale. It’s warming to see the Nelf community clawing it’s way back.

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I’d say so.

Welcome back, Mogi.

Come back, for the RP? Worth it?



There are a fair few active communities on the Kaldorei scene stil, there was a server campaign on Kalimdor two months or so ago, and people are still making events and similar over here. Astranaar has returned to being the current hub. The Kalimdor community still lives, even if it is, as always, smaller than the one in bigger cities and similar ^^ Tor ilisar’thera’nal! :crescent_moon:

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PvErs and PvPers may come and go. But RP is forever!

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Thanks fellas. Any Alliance guild recommendations? Preferably something with long(ish) form, DnD-style. Not too keen on any Shadowlands RP, but I imagine that’s the same for most people. My character is a human cleric.

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I am a bit out of the loop when it comes to Alliance guilds, but one guild I can recommend is this lovely bunch.


Neutral events by the Dalaran gang gather quite large crowds, from what I see. Just went briefly to the Winter Veil event in Winterspring — even if I’m on a trial account, Lintian couldn’t possibly miss festivities in her home village!

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Just to correct the posters above me a little bit.

There is not that much RP on AD these days, as compared to earlier days. On Alliance, Stormwind is the only RP hub, with a little bit of RP in Boralus and Dalaran, but activity isn’t guaranteed. There isn’t really any RP anywhere else, outside of events.

But don’t let that get your mood down. There are still things to do, just less than before.


That’s definitively looking like the case. Stormwind was very quiet last night and tonight, with only the same regular faces cropping up in the same spots.

Guild search isn’t going great because most of the remaining Alliance guilds seem to be noble/north-based, which is fair enough but not really what I’m after.

I do remember December being the slowest time for RP, so I won’t give up just yet. Might try a different race for a change of scenery.


From what I’ve observed it’s still worth your time if you’re into roleplay. Shadowlands has no effect on 99% of rp much like WoD and you can just ignore it, which seems to be the consensus.

December isn’t so much slow as much as people will tend to be doing a lot of other things in their free time other than playing WoW.
But giving the Alliance a go doesn’t sound like a bad idea.

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