Worth coming back to RP?

Our kidnappings were a way of saying we wanted to recruit you not enslave your character, come on Des, get in the bag- I mean the guild!


Nuh, I ain’t going back to gobbo-prison!

Pfftch. Anyone else hear that wussy little noise?

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Absolutely. Though it still requires some self-incentive to find some RP, there are a few spots where folks gather and give you opportunities to join in.

Just do the jump.

Nature is healing…

There never was a ‘golden age’. Even in the ancient times of TBC and WOTLK there were still donkeys who messed the bed and kicked the stuff about as if they were sharing their divine gifts with everyone. The MAGISTERIUM of Silvermoon and “FFS, STORMDOGS” come to mind.

It wasn’t a golden age, it was just a noisier age. Thankfully if anything most of the baboons have either left the game or learned to stop displaying and shut up.

They did, and it was called Battle for Azeroth. Faction conflict is too ‘unsafe’ for the ultra sanitized harridans who control Blizzard and have Metzen by the cajones. To the point where when it makes sense (Night Elf revanchism, Worgen/Forsaken rivalry, even Gnome/Goblin competition) is neutered and cauterized.

The health of the server should not be determined wholly on what the latest Second Life RPers in Stormwind are doing or what’s going around the Happy Tree in Orgrimmar (though the latter has fewer Dracthyr Kaiju and Elven baristas lately). While I despise Discord and what it’s done to the RP scene on Argent Dawn, the servers there at least can be used to network out to other groups of players that fit one’s own standards.

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RP has been dead since Vanilla :slight_smile: what better time to start than now? The game is in a pretty good place, and RP is alive and vibrant.

If you decide to roll Alliance, you are more than welcome to stop by Beginner RP bar (not just for beginners!) at The Curious Octopus in Boralus. We’re open every wednesday 8pm -10pm rt. Very casual environment, and a place designed to ease you into RP if you’re new/getting back in the saddle.



He knows. Aerilen is being facetious and just making a sarcastic remark of the type of stuff people say.

I would argue that there very much was a ‘golden age’ but that doesn’t mean things are terribly bleak in the present. There’s still plenty of role-play on offer if you look for it, though certain offerings are a lot less broad than they used to be for various reasons - not in the least due to certain playable races being outright neglected and the faction war falling away with a lack of a satisfying resolution on many fronts.

One’s mileage is going to vary based largely on what, exactly, drew them to the game in the first place I’d wager.

Overall, though, out of all the current options on the market I do think World of Warcraft is still the ‘best’ when it comes to role-play opportunities. Which, in turn, is why I ended up coming back here myself.


I feel like compared to mid-late Shadowlands things are pretty healthy at present and having played on actual dying servers - and some of those not just from an RP perspective - it’s in a fairly good spot.


Real roleplayers know, RP is dead since WC3


Wc3 killed RP. Warcraft 2 was were it was at with peak roleplay oppertunities!


WoW RP has had multiple golden ages. Usually linked to when said person calling the ‘golden age’ joined or were themselves most actively engaged.

But generally speaking the RP scene has chugged on with various levels of visiblity quite well over the many… many years of WoWs life. And still does.

Happy Tree’s been thriving recently. We love the Happy Tree.

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All those Happy Tree Friends coming together warms my heart :smirk:



Yeah it’s realy Lit a fire under me. :smirk:

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I see people of culture are in this thread, aswell! :slight_smile:


I know what this is now, thanks to Google…
My poor, innocent soul :frowning:

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Can’t believe Horde RP is dead bros. :pensive: