Worth coming back to RP?

Hey. Its been few years since I RPed.

Was thinking about coming back. Ingame response I got to this question was “Horde dead. Alliance full of geckos abusing giant growth pots.” Is the state of RP really that dire? I do not want to invest time into levelling/making char only to just roll my eyes and return to being ooc player on different server .

For the record I am thinking about making a char who was a pirate/thief/Uncrowned. Got caught. Spent years in prison and was recently released(To explain why he just showed up) Char will of course go into more details such as race and more backstory. That is just a starting point. But he would be low/no magic char with no understanding of magic/light or the works of it. What is your take? Worth coming back to RP?

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I mean, I dropped into Org for guildless, pick-up RP literally last night. Valley of Honour was plenty busy enough, big crowd gathered when sparring started under the Tree, I overall had a jolly good time. I know there’s a healthy number of active guilds Hordeside, too.

Alliance side, I can’t speak for Stormwind but I doubt its population has dropped much. I know there’s active guilds, and some real good ones at that.
I’d say it’s absolutely worth it, so long as you put in the effort you want out too. As with anything worth doing, don’t just expect it to fall into your lap. But it’s definitely there :slight_smile: Welcome back!


Argent Dawn is still bustling with roleplay all over Azeroth, and on top of spontanious encounters, there’s a lot of roleplay events lined up for next few months already. You can find information about all these the events scattered on the forums, listed on the Argent Archives website, or as weekly & monthly ads on the Argent Dawn EU Discord server ( https://discord.gg/W5nVcDkq ).

Agreeing with Kaytlinne, it might just take a while to find and build connections you enjoy regularly hanging out with - those who share interest in similar concepts, or who approach the setting and power levels in a way that is mutually appealing.

Wish you best of luck coming back!


Yes, but probably not in Org or SW. The best RP nowadays, at least on Horde, is spread out across the world in smaller groups.


This is something only someone who roleplays exclusively in Stormwind could think, and roleplaying exclusively in Stormwind will give you the bleakest picture of the server conceivable.


Thats something people have been saying for years, it’s kind of like how some people complain about the weather just for the sake of complaining.
It also seems ill informed, about what is actually going on in the communities.

Much of the roleplay and events have moved to Discord’s now!
But AA is very much alive and used.


Join the Discord Arcona linked you for starters, there is also a Horde Discord active and bustling from what I can tell when I cheked in last week.

And for Ogrimmar, they got a market up and coming:

As for the average roleplay experience, pretty good in my experience.
A majority of people are lovely these days, be it old or new members of the community and I could not be happier about it.

Kaytlinne put it very well together in my opinion.


Horde is indeed not dead (minus the forsaken, it’d be concerning if they weren’t). As its always been its guild focused but Orgrimmar’s been doing pretty good recently as well.

As Lorrus mentioned there’s the Market Night this Sunday and there is also a Horde RP discord community. Plenty of guild adverts along with channels for sharing/promoting social or open combat events that are for Horde. We try to keep everything up to date there and people often post when there is RP happening in Orgrimmar or other places.

  • If you’d like to join here’s a link! https://discord.gg/z7B8jgF5Sj ^^

I can’t speak much for the state of Horde & Alliance RP, but this character concept rocks!


After RPing since vanilla quite steadily (with the occasional lapse to SW:TOR RP now and again), I pretty much took all of Shadowlands and Dragonflight off due to the state of RP. I found it dreadful.

I decided to give it a shot again now with The War Within, and I can only say that it’s bustling and has more than redeemed itself. Welcome back!

Can confirm that I’m seeing a lot of revelry in /y whilst using the training dummies in Orgrimmar right now.



Can’t really comment much on Alliance side but can confirm Org has been nothing but a vibe the past week.

Here at the Ashen we’ve had a TON of interaction and RP with random folk coming and going in Orgrimmar whilst we’re on a event hiatus with the Holidays.

Even then still ended up doing mini-events and somehow ended up getting a ton of recruits.

To which we’ve had to close recruitment :rofl:

So I can confirm 1000% that Horde is still very much alive, active and vibing.

So I will say just drop in be it tonight, tomorrow, etc and just check it out for yourself.

A lot of guilds leave you spoilt for choice if you’re looking for Guild RP on Horde as well.

Seen so many even newer guilds popping up!

Horde is on the :chart_with_upwards_trend: !

An I know a lot of people have had it rough past couple of years with so much going on but you’ll find the groove once again I’m sure!

The question is not should you return it’s do you want to?

If the answer is yes, just jump in and go my friend! :sunglasses:

Also a great character concept I’m sure you’ll have an easy time settling wherever you choose to!


They are still going strong at 2 am! :smile: :joy:

It’s 1:36am and I could probably have kept RPing in Org, how very dare :joy:

(Shout out to Blood Howl and the Ashen and everyone else under the fighty tree~ )


I’d say it is. There’s an abundance of events coming up, and there’s plenty life around in a variety of hubs.

There’s little drama around as far as I can tell, too, so, that’s another plus.

Welcome back!


As soon as the first Horde character on the first live server during Vanilla was made, someone spoke the prophetic words…

“Horde is dead.”


As the others have voiced, it’s time you come back with your pirate character :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

People have been dooming about roleplay since forever. The ‘golden age’ is over bros, its not the same any more… all the good roleplayers (my friends) dont play no more… Argent Dawn has fallen… was touted in Cataclysm.

My eyes glaze over whenever i see it these days.


Horde RP is slooooowly getting better. You can find open RP in Orgrimmar almost every evening this past month. Let’s hope it stays that way.


i’m gonna bulli you onto the Red side some day Des xD.

OT:as others has said, Horde RP is very much not dead, and i’m looking forward to see new and old faces for the upcoming Kosh’harg event in spring.


Well I do have an orc!

I think if we’re honest with ourselves, it’s mostly because we ourselves grew older, and under normal circumstances, have far less time to rp. That and, there’s a clear shift in story-focus. The age of the faction-war on a large scale is over ( though we all know Blizzard would change that in a heartbeat if they thought it was cool).