Worth it yet?

No point whatsoever trying to change the subject now that you rightly feel humiliated having devoted so much of your wind to nonsense.

Wait and see if they implement it at ICC - the community is thriving without it .

They will no doubt take a view when they see if Dragonflight has an impact on activity - it may well not - again - it would seem a Majority of Classic subscribers don’t play retail at the moment.

You just think it’s obvious cause it suits your narrative, this much is obvious.

No mention of majority anywhere.

Is it really though?


It suits my narrative because it is exactly the Citation you asked for.

Carry on - it is highly amusing watching folk keep trying to restate an argument until they get the result they want.

No sir, I asked for a citation of “It was cut from Classic WotLK because the majority of subscribers expressed the opinion that it would be a bad thing - that it would create toxicity in the game.”

None was supplied, obviously.

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You have some impressive IT there - let us know which company had created the interface you are using for the visually impaired so we can put it up as a stick on the Classic WotLK Forum

Go on, do ctrl-f on that page and search for the word “majority”.

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Don’t need to - Blizz make all of their money from Subscriptions - they don’t make decisions based on a smaller number of subscribers - and if you can’t understand that basic principal you will howl at the moon long and often.

But please do, your entire citation rests on it being there.

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No - it doesn’t.

But hey - its the simplest of conundrums to figure out - RFD isn’t in the game - and it may or may not be added at ICC, until then your on-going tantrum serves no purpose other than your desire to vent on a forum to folk and ignore common sense.

You didn’t get a toy you wanted for Christmas, you will complain all year until Christmas comes again, but you still didn’t get the toy.

It literally does.

Your claim was majority, I asked you to cite a source for said claim and you’ve failed to produce one.

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We know that the Classic audience is more interested in long-term social engagement, that feeling that comes from reaching out to people, talking to them about how you’re going to group, trying to coordinate, who’s going to do what role walking to the dungeon together, trying to figure out how you’re going to get to the dungeon, who’s going to summon, maybe run into a PVP fight on the way,” Birmingham says. “And then you finally get in there and you have friends that stick together with you.”

What do you think “the Classic audience” mean in this context?

I’ll tell you what - you win - you are absolutely correct.

Blizzard decided not to implement RFD at launch because all of their research showed that if they didn’t they would save 10 subscribers who would otherwise cancel their sub and cause 10,000 subscribers who wanted the feature to cancel instead.

Basic math - Blizz decided to have fewer subscribers

it’s so obvious I can’t understand why I didn’t see it sooner.

That’s from the IGN interview, not the blue post and it’s literally about Classic. That’s Classic, not WotLK Classic.

And those are words uttered by Brian Birmingham, the same bloke who promised us 2 stages of Sunwell, prenerf and postnerf and never followed through on it.

Citation needed on that then.

Gotcha - that’s your argument - you need to post the Citation demonstrating that a Majority of Subscribers want RFD - that’s your one task to convince the Forum that you are not just hot air - chop chop - go get your Citation from Blizz, BLUE POST REQUIRED.

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That you’re pulling numbers outta your rear? Yes, that is my argument. Glad you could see it.

Alas - no Citation - just your opinion - the forum waits your Citation with Rabid Anticipation

I don’t need to post a citation of the majority of players wanting RDF cause, and get this, I’ve NEVER CLAIMED THAT.

Cause I’m not that stupid.

Ok well you have been shown where Blizzard say that they know what the Classic Audience want and that is not to have RDF.

What do you got?

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We don’t need too much of a Citation for stupidity - but we still need one that the Majority of Subscribers want RDF - chop chop - the Rabid Anticipation is now Fervent - the Forum is Holding Its Breath