WotLK Classic: Enhancement Shaman QoL adjustments

We have already been trying to get Blizzard’s attention for a while via Tickets, Forum posts, and most recently Twitter to Zirene directly, but to no avail. We don’t really have a voice/representative with a platform like some other Classes, that would make them notice us and at least look into / acknowledge some of the issues;

  • While we were mostly able to make up for the severely lackluster survivability in earlier phases ( extremely low health pool → 10k less than Ret/Warr/DK in ICC gear, and our only “defensive” becomes a DPS CD with T10 ) it’s getting to a point where it’s seriously hindering our gameplay and ability to enjoy playing the game. We believe that sacrificing our already mediocre DPS ( bottom in ICC bis ) for Defensive talents and Stoneclaw Glyph just so we can have only a fraction of other melees’ survivability is problematic. We desparately need more Stamina.
  1. GAMEPLAY ( Fire Ele / Fire Nova design flaw )
  • Again, up to this point, we have mostly been able to circumvent this anti-synergy between our two core abilities, and it’s only been an issue on bosses like Algalon, but in ICC it’s gonna happen all the time; We use our Fire Elemental → the boss moves → We are locked out of Fire Nova for the remainder of the fight.

These issues were also acknowledged by Blizzard back in original WotLK and promised fixes, but were never actually addressed ( e.g. Blizzard from 2010; bluetracker.gg/wow/topic/eu-en/12947162219-upcoming-enhancement-buff/ ).

Unlike some other Classes, we aren’t asking for “buffs” ( despite being bottom DPS in Phase 4 dps projections ), but are just asking for some adjustments / QoL fixes that would allow us to play and enjoy the game.

  • Another issue, but one which we have given up on; There was a lot of discussion over the past year about the fact that we don’t use Windfury - the signature Enhancement shaman Imbue ( part of our identity ) - for most of the expansion because of the massive ICD. We are not expecting changes to this at this point.

#buffenh :slight_smile:


I support this!

Any suggested changes as to how this could be done? Spellchanges, statchanges, passives or something…


THIS TBH!!! good post


Other specs get love but Enhance never does :frowning: blizzard pls


Certainly this needs to be seen. I love enhanement but in wrath it has it’s issues that need to be adressed, allthough some dps buff, not evena big one would be welcome for p4 .

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Agree about identity. WF ICD 1 seconds less could be a nice idea. In arenas enhas are not too great and this buff wouldn’t change much.

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Highly doubt this is gonna happen
The QoL changes though sound really good.

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