Wotlk Classic Latency Issue

Greetings fellas,
So basically, when I am playing Wotlk Classic, I am getting random high latency issues in-game and only in-game. I am not recieving any errors, my character is still in game but for example I cannot use chat, type or receive messages, I cannot interact with any characters in game, NPC-s or real players. When I reload UI, it’s pretty much the same. I cannot logout, because it’s nothing happening, so I can only fully close the game and when I run it again it is ‘solved’ until next time. Problem is that I don’t know what is the problem, and that issue is totally random.
Thank you all in advance.

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Probably a routing issue from your ISP.
I recommend using Proton VPN.

Do I need to pay that VPN? And will it help?

No; The free version is recommended by many, It doesn’t sell your information or compromise your PC like many other “free VPNs”. The company behind it is from Switzerland and the free server is not bad from my experience.
I have run into the issue you’re experiencing and I found out my ISP was putting connections like WoW on lower priority.

It doesn’t hurt to try, If it doesn’t work we can try other things :smiley: