Wotlk Classic realms all showing incompatible


After updating to version all Wotlk Classic realms are unavailable. A few other guildies are reporting the same thing. Update and scan and repair/restart doesn’t help.


its the same for me, i am also getting Incompatible for all server on Classic Wrath


Same for me and 2 other guildies.

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Same for me!

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Same for me, why is this even possible? Some are on the older playable version but after a restart of my pc I have the newer version and the servers are not ready for this version?!?

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Same issue here. Logged off for a bit to have some late dinner, and now I can’t connect to any realm because of incompatible.

Everything is restarted and up to date on my end.

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Same, please fix

same , great when u where heading in to icc before reset …

Got a DC, launcher downloaded something, and everything is incompatible .

Same for me. Please fix

i just log into to the game, so it may up and running now

same for me, fix please!

same here, need my wow fix!

Works now!

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