WOTLK classic transfer bug)

Hello as the title says im on Firemaw , character name : Gnaru.
it says my mailbox is full, whenever i try to transfer my toon but it isn’t , i checked auction house but nothing , i dont have any auctions nether mails. i don’t have ignored player and i don’t have any pending mails from quests, it’s like 1 week i try to transfer but nothing.

i make a tiocket but it’s 15 days average time wait , what i suppose to do? naxxramas and other raids open ina while and we are stuck here someone can help me ?

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Edit: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/mailbox-purge-active-thread/1350943/2254 :slight_smile:

I have the exact same issue and I pray I get a reply and a solution from a GM amen

If you have mailbox issues follow the guide below.

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