Wotlk Divine Storm Animation Wrong

The animation on divine storm on the wotlk ptr is NOT the original divine storm animation.

Why are you giving us a watered down version of an animation that is beloved by the ret community?

No, there is no “lightning” effect and the current version ends abruptly rather than fades out.

Divine Storm Paladin WoTLK

Wrath of the Lich King: Divine Storm


wots divine storm m8?


Oh it’s apparently part of my 1 button macro that I press until things and players die horrendously.

Yeah I agree it needs a cooler animation so those plebs know how hard I btfo them

I dont play ret, but i remember when they remade the lightning bolt/CL animation… it looked AWFUL.

I feel for you.

Don’t forget the hideous Shadowbolt in retail :face_vomiting:

Shadow wisp? Shadow pencil? I’m not sure what it’s supposed to be

Don’t even get me started on Incinerate :nauseated_face:


When the Pre-Patch came out, I got really disappointed too when I pressed Divine Storm on my Pally for the first time.

I sincerely hope they will fix this before Wrath’s launch.


The Divine storm animation needs to be reverted to its glorious original form!


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