WOTLK (retail) transmog question

Hi guys, I’m trying to collect some old transmog items from WOTLK and have come across an unusual game error that I’m hoping someone can help out with. At the NPC Horace Hunderland on page 2 of his offering’s he’s selling 2 versions of Sanctified Ymirjar Lord’s Shoulderplates. The top one I’ve just bought and in doing so I now have the sanctified version in my backpack and the appearance in my collection. The bottom version is showing that I haven’t learnt the appearance, but when I try to buy it with the sanctified version I have in my backpack, plus the mark of sanctification currency, the game incorrectly claims I don’t have the items needed to buy it. The same happens with every version of the item this guy sells, what am I missing here?

With the ‘bottom’ you meant the Heroic version of

right? For this you require a Heroic

instead of the regular version as well.

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Ahhh gotcha! That makes sense, thanks for that :slight_smile:

Just 1 other question, where can I actually look to see where in the UI it says that the token and equipment piece is Heroic when it’s in my bag or in the NPC’s inventory, I couldn’t see any indicators anywhere, they looked identical to me?

If you mouse over the equipment it should have a small ‘Heroic’ name below the item, as for the token same but they have slightly different emblems.

Others for ilvls, you can inspect and compare 264 to 277HC.

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Amazing, thanks very much :slight_smile:

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