WOTLK should be the classic benchmark

That isn’t what a “grown up” would say.

And if I wanted random changes that make the game worse in every way, then SoM is exactly what I’d play?

What kind of half-baked logic is that? Go home Eikko, your IQ is lower than your character level.

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She is right. Community wanted some WOTLK features, like dual spec, but nothing else. I knew no one in Classic who wanted RDF, for instance.

I don’t really think it’s incompetence. I think there is an ulterior motif behind this.
I personally think this might be just a way to attract more retail players to Classic. So if there is a drought of content they won’t lose as much players.

Everything Blizzard says is just marketing talk. Just like the community council. Of course they won’t say: “We found a new and exciting way, to screw you over, in order to increase our revenue and we are thrilled to test it.”

But one thing is sure the fan base of WotLK is bigger than the fan base of Vanilla and TBC combined. And Blizzard knows this. Not every fan of WotLK is also a fan of the features Blizzard removes, but we don’t know exactly how many do and don’t want them. But neither does Blizzard. So if they risk to anger a large part of their target audience there is probably something cooking in the background, we don’t know yet.

Or maybe they are just incompetent and try to turn the most loved addon into an experience for a minority of hardliners. Only time will show. But I am just waiting for them to announce Mythic+ dungeons for Classic. And then I will just laugh at the anti RDF people complaining about how toxic the game got.

They need to nerf one spec in Retail, what happens, they completely destroy it…
It’s not our first rodeo with this company and won’t be our last… Sadly…

I am looking into them as we speak, I don’t want to play Retail Wotlk, I want Classic wotlk…

Wrong. The complete opposite.
Check out the forums more often and you’ll notice just how wrong you are.

When you have all polls saying the opposite but you decide to live in denial


If people could stop crying about RDF that would be so great… God it’s annoying

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It will only temporary when Blizzard revels the paid service like boost :wink: After that people will compain WoTLK Classic is not their vision of WoTLK.

Blizz changed their mind on the in game quest helper. It will be there. Miylee must be crying as we progress towards the real game.

I genuinely believe most people who say this stuff haven’t even played Wrath.

How do they make “WOTLK look like vanilla”? By not adding random dungeon finder? A tool that they added AT THE END OF WRATH? If all, the way they release wrath is more of a retail version of wrath than how it was released back then.


Looks more like you’re the one crying. I’m just here arguing with you on a subject in which you’re clearly wrong.

This right, it was added so late that people wouldn’t even notice it untill like doing dungeons again in the next expansion.

But in honesty, if they add LFD or not is not that a big deal, I guess for everyone. I prefer old style but on average I do dungeons so very rarely (I haven’t even been in a dungeon for 6+ months now) that it won’t affect me.

Strangely, I think that goes for most people.

We just really like to have our opinions.

What does that even mean? Of course everyone noticed because they added 3 new dungeons and emblem of frost which made everyone queue random heroics at least once a day.

Everyone is a lot of people. I went into some new dungeon with an alt to get some stuff. It was like a dungeon that dropped loads of epics, so that was good, but those epics were not as good as actual raid gear.

And raids could be pugged in WotLK, everything.

Probably it was interesting for some. But everyone, well that’s a lot.

And you are by definition wrong because I for one didn’t care that much.

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So you did notice it then?

Probably, because I was in a guild so without doubt it was mentioned. But I guess I forgot and didn’t care, plus it seems to be true that it was very late in the expansion.

So let’s repeat exactly that, or not even implement it at all this expansion.

Deleted - wrong post commented to.

In the middle of what? It was added in the last content patch which longer than anticipated because they weren’t ready with cata.

What nonsense.
Timewise it was added in the middle (of Wrath. Captain Obvious speaking).
Contentwise with ICC which was not the end either.
I noticed the RDF and used it for some random BC dungeons, but was disgusted at the ‘bribes’ for tanking, so I decided only to use it when having created a group with my guild - for the teleport.

So … wrong on all accounts :wink:

Edited for clarity - and this was the comment I meant to comment upon.

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