The Raiding Guild - Gehennas EU Horde - WOTLK Classic
Is Recruiting for 25m Cataclysm progression, we are a newly formed group and aim to clear all Cata content in a reasonable time.
With a experienced Raid leader, who was raid leader in retail cata ranked 197 world for heroic dragon soul and holds 6 rank 1 logs from first time around. There will be people benched EVERY raid, this is to ensure opening the FULL amount of loot we want (a full heroic clear each tier) earlier, to ensure we are farming the raid very early to BiS everyone!
We wil be using a Loot council method of allocating those Epics + Legendaries, prioritising DPS > Tanks > Healers, as this allows us to skip major raid mechanics easier than any other gearing method.
Positive attitude with other guild members
Willing to learn and improve your game play
Good raid attendance
Ability to play your off spec when needed
Raid days / times
Tuesdays 19:00 - 22:00 server time
Fridays 1900 - 22:00 server time
We are prioritising the following classes for recruitment for our 25m Raid team
x1 Retribution Palladin
x1 Restoration Shaman
We are based in The Leveling Guild right now with over 940+ and 240+ lvl 80 members we have been on Gehennas since TBC. We will be moving to The Raiding Guild once the roster is complete! Socials are also very welcome also.
looking forward to hearing from you soon!