Would you have liked proper proportioned gnomes ( halflings ) instead?

Indeed, but instead we got junkergnomes, which is a lame race.


Get out of here knife ears!


Your tusks are coming out of your eyes

What are you on about, that right there is a magnificent cute gnome lady that just wanna invite other gnomes to dinner :3

what hobbits extinct? they were under siege by goblins the great bullroarer took clubbed the goblin chieftains head clean off and into a rabbit hole and that’s how they say golf was invented in middle earth :stuck_out_tongue:

blizzard made their own gnomes doesn’t even really fit the mythological gnomes considering they are only like 15 cm tall still i like how they reinvented them making them tech savvy little einsteins

I more meant if Hobbits had been in Gnomeregan when the Trogg Outbreak/Chernobyl/28 Days later/Gassing thing had happened :smiley: BUt yeah, I completely agree, Gnomes look right because they are -Gnomes- in the Blizzard setting!

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I disagree.
They are a gnome race I actually considered playing before they were announced alongside vulpera.

I made my choice obviously but I completely adore them.
You can hide the ugly face and make yourself a cyborg.

Hell yes I love them!

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