Would you like to have playable ogres? Should they be an allied race or a core race? Should those ogres be from our timeline or from alternative Draenor? What starting zone would they have?
I’d like to read your thoughts.
Would you like to have playable ogres? Should they be an allied race or a core race? Should those ogres be from our timeline or from alternative Draenor? What starting zone would they have?
I’d like to read your thoughts.
Alternate draenor, same as magh’ar. customisation to allow as vanilla ogres.
on horde side.
class warlock,priest, hunter, warrior, mage, shaman (missing any? dont think rogue or druid matches here)
Playable Ogres is a dream of mine tbh, should’ve been a thing for ages now but better late than never I guess
Also they should def be from our timeline, the Horde has a long history with the Ogre clans from Outland. AU Ogres are literally the only Mag’har Breakers who weren’t put to use after they joined the Horde during BFA, it wouldn’t make any sense to have them over the MU Stonemaul or Dunemaul
I don’t get this obsession with ogres as a new race while there are, at least imo, far better options currently in Azeroth.
For instance the Vrykul, which could have some really cool rune-based customizations.
The Sethraks from BFA could also be very cool, altho a lot of armors would look a bit off. Well they already do on Kul’Tirans so i guess it’s not really an issue.
And going back to the Ogres I don’t think it’ll be a popular choice either for one major reason : Players seemingly value a lot how tmogs appear on their characters. This is imo why Kul’Tirans are so unpopular despite having some of the best passives out of all races : The armors look terrible on them.
Unless you find some kind of lean ogres they would suffer the same fate imo.
I dont care for them, no.
But we can play kul tiran. They look like more like ogres than ogres do.
Ogre make sense since there have been non-playable horde ogres in the past.
They spit on your stupid factions and war.
Aren’t they like either evil or only care about their temple?
I don’t know about ogres but I’ve seen someone wanting lean pandaren.
Ogre females would be interesting indeed…
We saved a few clans from the LK back in Wotlk I’m sure it shouldn’t be too hard to convince a few to join the factions and earn their glorious death in battle in our lil’ faction conflicts.
A neutral race only there to earn their place in the halls of valor
We kinda murdered the evil ones and saved the temple folks. They are in our debt and what better way to repay it than to join us ? Well at least the horde, the alliance invaded their lands and murdered people left and right so…
Ogres can be playable, as both AU and MU Horde ogres are both Stonemaul. One of their jokes can be “Which timeline me be from again? Uuuuuuuuuuh, me forget.” And like in Shadowlands, you can have a custom option that determines your actual character’s place of origin, like how Draenei can choose Azeroth, Draenor or Argus as their homeworld when first going to Bastion.
Provided they fit the theme of the content which they are introduced in.
If they turned around and went “Lol, have Ogres… because… lol”, it would be a hard NO!
If also bring politics into this, it’d be a perfect race for the gender minorities.
Sethrak are snakes, and we all know they can reproduce without female counterpart.
The joy, the happiness and the rays of everlasting harmony would spread.
On more serious note though, their temple is amazing. Their voice lines & voices are incredible, and animations are great, memorable and to top it all off - they are another beastly race to add up to the roster of HORDE.
(I’m curious what faction Vrykuls would join tbh, points can be made in favor of both Alliance and Horde)
I hear that they enjoy hunting and eating foxes. So probably Horde, for the supply.
Cause they wanna be original.
So original to suggest yet another dumb ugly model. In fact murlocs, furries, ogres and whatever beasts they fancy play as is another choice for tops few % of players. But the costs to make all armour fit this cringe will be massive. Which want be perfect hence neverending topics of the sort why my 2% worgenplayerbase has braids clipping.
Make toys with short cd and let them play even walking poop instead. Cheap and mean solution.
Dumb ideas are so prevalent they are now main stream. If they wanna be original they schould suggest smth cute and gentle, like catgirls, which can attract some attention.
Ogres are literally OG Horde members LMAO the original request would be goofy stuff such as, idk, “Void Elves”
Of course, among other races!
I would love it if you could summon a group of NPCs that just dance. Like at an INN, basement, roof top or my balcony
yes, we need shredded ogres
dunno if this irony is intentional, but I choose to believe it’s not