Would you rather be stuck in Durotar with an Orc or a Raptor?

It’s a tricky one for sure, but I feel confident in my ability to tame the Raptor.

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The orc, we’re probably on the same quest.

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if you choose Raptor ie " bird of prey " you would be food within 3 days

at least your chances with an orc you could i dunno… outsmart him/her ?

It seems to me that you’ve not been around that many orcs.

I mean, I could probably 1v5 raptors. Can’t say this about orcs.

Orc. Why? Because the Orc can bloody talk and communicate. The raptor only has 4 things in mind, 2 of them not appropriate to name on the forum here.


Orc has non of those things in mind? Are they so dedicated only for work. :scream:

Raptor. Far more interesting than an orc. :sweat_smile:

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would the raptor talk too? :joy_cat:

But I chose the raptor.

Raptor, go Chris Pratt mode;


I guess it would depend on if he could ride the orc to work or just the raptor. Need to know more, is the orc also usable as mount or just the raptor.

:man_shrugging: Never heard an orc talk or communicate in anything other than grunts. :sweat_smile:

Raptors are far more civilised and don’t smash up everything they see.

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Orcs are very dedicated on work on other hand, harder to picture raptor concentrating so keenly on some tasks in Durotar. :thinking:

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Said the bear :neutral_face:

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I would ride it to the nearest pub!

Was it ever confirmed the Raptors have a civilization and intelligence on par with the Orcs or not…? :thinking:
I mean most of the raptors in the wild (so not escaped Troll capitives, but their own right) wares jeweles, armbands, necklaces, faethared adorments and so on…
Gonk is a raptor loa after all…

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Being Alliance and with enough magical power to delete a raptor while having potential issues with the orc - I’ll take the raptor.

Would I rather be stuck in Elwynn with a human or a raid boss gone wild though? I’ll take the human.

With a Vulpera :dracthyr_nod:

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