Would you want to live in Azeroth?

Depends on what you mean by live on Azeroth. Do you mean as the person you are now or as a version of you that logically fits within Azeroth.

As myself:
NO. Initially, I’d need to hope I arrived near an Alliance friendly location otherwise I have no hope of surviving making it to town. If I’m lucky enough with that, my first hurdle will be the guards and the fact I don’t actually understand Common. This would likely get me arrested until a mage could be brought in to try and help translate. I’ll try to explain where I’ve come from and likely be transported to Dalaran for examination because I’m not of this world and, as far as most know, every other planet has already been corrupted. I would likely be experimented on to work out where I came from and how I got to Azeroth… Generally, it’s going to be a bad time which I might, if I’m lucky, survive. Then I still have no where to call home, no money, no property and no way of communicating still with others unless the Kirin Tor decide to support integrating me with the world. Then there’s all the diseases my body will have absolutely no immunity to floating around which would likely kill me while I’m locked up in Dalaran anyway.

As a version of myself more in keeping with the world/my main character
YES. I still have the issue of a lack of property and money but I have a better chance of surviving travelling to a town and I would be able to communicate appropriately. Baths definitely exist on Azeroth (there’s one in Dalaran) and we have to take into account that the scaling of the game is warped for gameplay reasons there’s actually a lot more space in the city than initially appears (see the movie for example).

Sure, I wouldn’t be joining the military or out hunting for food but I could help out in the city. Get a small job in an inn or shop. Live a fairly boring day to day life but I’d put as much time as I could in to trying to improve myself and I’d introduce some of the niceties of Earth to Azeroth that I do understand. I might actually make a great tinkers assistant. Who knows.

Sure, Azeroth is dangerous but so is a lot of Earth. We’re just lucky enough to live in the places that aren’t.


Hell no, in azeroth you can die just by walking 2 feets from the door of your house.

You go for morning walk, defias > backstab > dead.
You go to meet your friend in Westfall, wild coyote > you’re bleeding and being eaten alive.
Wanna do some disco in darkshire inn? wrong, you will be bitten by werewolf and become one or die from wounds.

I could live only in ever flying dalaran :smiley:

#No azeroth in real life!

Legion bombardment and fel bats…

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//sound of breaking mirror//

Then no, i wouldn’t want to live in azeroth :smiley:


Stil safer then draenor

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The only place that looks somewhat nice and safe is Valley of Four winds. I could totally like the simple life of pandaren farmer.


Beware of the Terrible Turnip!


Beware, beware, The Turnip of the Winds, beware I heard him cry.
His voice carried across the rolling plains, as he sank beneath the virmen tide.


The absolute best would be to live as a close advisor of a faction leader – whether it be High King Anduin or Warchief Sylvanas. You get to live in a royal palace, you work in the throne room, you’re very close to one of the most powerful leader on Azeroth… Who would cross you then?!

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Still better war story than BfA. :sunglasses:


if i can be a gnome or dark iron dwarf then yes

if i have to be a human like i am irl then no. i dont take orders from king-children and stormwind is the worst city

Probably some small, peaceful farm in Pandaria is where I’d want to live.
Except for that, NOPE. I’d die in 0.5 seconds if I was magically teleported to Azeroth.

Lol at all the people mentioning Pandaria. You know there’s a literal Satan sleeping beneath your house, right?

No. The retcons would make it like living in a Dragonbreak in the Elder Scrolls universe.

Confusing and lacking continuity without all the half-interesting DMT-induced hallucinations to make it sorta worth it.

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As a living human being, living in 2019? God no. My greatest worry for the near future is too much snow.

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Kinda like Kul’Tiras? Where the Stormsong cultists built an hideout for living old God?

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