Would you want to see Gnolls as a playable race?

agree, even if 99% of Gnoll toons would be named some variation of “Hogger”

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probably accurate tbh

planning to name mine Ĥôğğëŕ

Why not XxxĤôğğëŕxxx?

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i’m on Argent Dawn so anything with x’s is probably already taken

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Reminds me of that guild where everyone has to name their character Abomination. They have to get supercreative with all the weird letters.

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Gnolls and Furbolgs could possibly be allied races in the future with their new models/rigs/Animations. Gnolls using worgen rig/animations and Furbolgs uses Kultrian with some worgen animations. Gnolls for horde and Furbolgs for Alliance.

I would like Blizzard to focus on the old races as I still think they didn’t get enough.

For the same reason, I perceive Dracthyr extremely negatively.

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Maybe not but you do know those that are playable are just one or two clans or faction within a race that is playable. Alliance still kills other humans that join like twilight hammer or scarlet crusade, Orcs kills Orcs that is part of burning blade or legion. Taurens kill other Taurens that is part of the grim totem clan or that joined other factions. Blood elves kill other blood elves that join either burning legion or Forsaken etc. So those that are playable are just a clan or faction of said race.

I’m not sure what you took from my reply but it has nothing to do with various clans or being enemies/hostile to some existing playable races.

I just simply don’t think every race in WoW should necessarily be added to the character player list.

I know others feel differently and want everything to be playable from Murlocs to Vrykul :slight_smile:

post edited cba

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i just want to heave meatball with me all the time

Well I disagree but however I like to see races that makes more sense and can be most the classes unlike Drakthyr that is locked on one class and dragons should be just be allies but never playable as they would be too OP. I rather have more ground to earth races. (Probably wont play a Drakthyr, Ill stick to my other characters) Besides we already have a winged playable race.

Even though the Draenai are alien race they still manged to make them use primitive tools and weapons. and so was the orcs but if they start bringing in race that use plasma weapons and robots it looses the fantasy of what warcraft is (Like what they did in shadowlands which killed wow for me, was so unwarcraft to me and more starcraft. So Im glad we are going back to what wow is DF, Primitive, savage world, leave Starcraft with Starcraft) Even the tech that gnomes and goblins use is still primitive ways to make things work like wood, iron, steam etc. Mechagnomes however ruined that.

Gnolls and Furbolgs however is primitive and savage so they would work. And we should have gotten Broken instead of Lightforged since Lightforged is no difference from regular Draenai except they took their beliefs abit further.

When it comes to Vrykul well blizzard could have made the Kultirans a barbarian race with Vrykul beliefs and customs etc. As the Kultirans today are just a combination of Stormwind humans and Gilnean humans and abit Night elf druidism and before BFA Kultirans were just regular Stormwind humans with different tabard. But if Blizzard had made them more primitive Humans they would have made more sense.

Like Hearthstone is more warcraft than world of warcraft right now but perhaps DF will change that.

Anyhow, don’t forget:

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”

  • Arthur C. Clarke


“Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science”

A friend took part in that initiative. Took him ages to get his name to work xD

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In the past I would’ve said ‘cool’, but I think the new furbolg model looks absolutely horrendous. I’m usually all for updating and most of the time I like what Blizzard does in that department, but they really dropped the ball with the new furbolgs imo.

The gnolls look cool.

But honestly; I don’t need any more races. I want more customization for the races we already have. Especially when, like now, they start creating super niche races that can only be 1 class. That’s just SUCH a waste of time and resources for a tiny part of the playerbase.

The Horde can have the Gnolls, but give the Saberon to the Aliance!

So…you think this version looked better?

Than this?

Which is better update from the old ones.

Well I agree with you that Blizzard spent too much resources on the Drakthyr which they should have spent more on the Core and Allied races. I would rather played a Gnoll or Furbolg or Vrykul, Broken, Ogre, Mok’nathal or Forest trolls, Saberon, Jinyu etc as a new race. If they were going for Dragon race rather it be those big Dragon kins instead which could be all kind of classes.

But…who knows when they work on customizations for the Core and Allied races again.

Spolier: This time the big bad dragons win, thats why!
I, for one, welcome our new scallie overlords

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