Would you want to see Gnolls as a playable race?

I feel like I am the only one, but the new gnoll models looks amazing and I would definitely play as one if I could :smiley:


No, you wouldnā€™t be show to use all armor. What good is armor if you cant hide most of it!

Generally Iā€™m against adding any more races, letā€™s get more customisation for existing races. The more races we get the less time for customisation.

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Gnolls would be a cool race to add ngl


Good old Brigante smiles now somewhereā€¦ :frowning:
Playable Gnoll would be awesome!



/10 chars

Yeah but i wanted Furbolgs for the Alliance ): !


Yeah, gnolls and murlocs. But I guess the problem is that those races are mostly considered as not very intelligent (even less than the average ogre) and thus it poses a problem of integrating them into the factions. Maybe weā€™ll find some enlightened tribes of them one day.

i thought of him when i read the title. He loved the idea of playable gnolls, at least from what i saw on the forums.

while i personally would not play one, im not against the idea of more customizations/races. so why not :smile:

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Only loophole I can think of: a tribe of Gnolls / Murlocs were living right above a Kajamite vein beneath the earth and it gave them some form of intelligence

But I dunno how well received that would be :joy:

A tribe of Furbolgs blessed by Elune and teached by the Kaldorei how to speak Darnassian and the common tongue

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Yeah, why not. Would rather have ogres and dire troll first though (I guess they would go horde?).

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Anything extra is good.

Would I personally play one? Doubtful.

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YES of course! We have Hogger in Heroes of the storm, he is cool

Just a reminder that Gnoll tents are made of human skin. Complete with faces. For those who didnā€™t know.

But at this point I donā€™t even care because they SHAT on lore. Gnolls used to be barbaric human eating creatures not those cute new models. Whatā€™s next, troggs, ogres, sethraks?

I mean even ogres fit better!

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Ogres should have been added to the horde in TBC instead of Blood Elves.


Drakythr canā€™t show armour unless in humanoid form either. Hasnā€™t stopped Blizzard. Nor should it.

This might open the way for the Naga thoā€™
Elven ā€œvisageā€ Naga true selfā€¦ and ā€œwe donā€™t show the Armourā€ā€¦
On the same note, Saberon and Gnoll even Botani could work

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Well it depends how well done it is, so the gripe I have with Blizzard making more races playable is:

  1. If theyā€™re adding new races, can we please make sure all armor from every expan is wearable, the dracthyr conundrum is a joke currently as it stands.

  2. More than one playable class, at the very least.

I donā€™t think I can stomach this joke release kind of state again where they just go ā€œyeah we focused on them having a elf/human form more than the main selling point, dont expect to wear tier recolours from older expansā€

Iā€™m not someone who wants everything as a playable race but I do love the updates theyā€™ve give races.

Unlikely, the gnolls are more like the tauren in shape, so you could argue that might might be possible but naga donā€™t have legs so it would not work with the current armor system.

Theyā€™d need to redo the armor system - which Iā€™m very much for!

The alternative would be fewer customisation options for drakthyr; the limited slots would suggest thatā€™s where the limit is.