Kill it....kill it with LOTS and LOTS of fire!
First of its a "Mage" so shall avenge the thousand upon thousand of sheep who have been violated with their foul magic! ...Also why spells exist which turn players into mute barnyard animals....i would rather not know the answer to!
Secondly its preachy mage....infused with a thousand year of zealous self-rightous "light" motivated hatred and war-mongering ...afterall as the Mage himself said "Now that his plight is over...its time for long overdue peace and rest" its a mercy killing ~
Kill him. Nothing personal, but both other options seem inappropriate given our shared gender. I would, if possible, spare us both of such awkward situations.
Kill. Despite my dislike for Worgen, it isn't personal in this case. His fancy hat was wanted by someone with a lot of money.
Kill. Quite happily, too.
Kiss. Albeit as part of a form of gradual psychological torture drawn out over decades if not centuries, slowing withering him inside, beating him down word-by-word and holding grudges over the tiniest of grievances. Even when he grows to be accepting, constantly withhold affection or 'not be in the mood' for playtime.
Oh wait, that's Marriage. \o/
Alternatively, death might be more justifiable in the event of a mass purge by the Light-users, so Kill.
Oh wait, that's Marriage. \o/
Alternatively, death might be more justifiable in the event of a mass purge by the Light-users, so Kill.
Would say marry but Ly has bad experience with marrying blood knights.
Would say marry but Ly has bad experience with marrying blood knights.
Kiss. Surely.
Kill, no threat to the Sunwell can be spared!
Kill. As an example of overzealous (brownshirt type) Sin'dorei.
It was probably self defense to boot.
It was probably self defense to boot.
Out of Salarya, Sa-Matra and Elyssa, kiss, marry and kill respectively!
Hmmmmm. A coin-toss between kiss or kill.
Anyone who lets a coin-flip make such a decision is a safety hazard the world is better off without.
Anyone who lets a coin-flip make such a decision is a safety hazard the world is better off without.
Of this one, kill is definitely the way to go. Pity really.
She has declared me a safety risk without knowing the reasoning behind the coin-flip. It is a coin-flip because the 'Sin'dorei' in my experience tend to float between extremes as much as the eredar did. Faced with such uncertainty, the mathematical model might well simplify down to a coin-flip. Fel-vulnerable? Mana addicts the moment the Sunwell comes down? Argent defenders of the Light? I cannot tell from merely observing this blood elf.
Ahhh, of course, this does explain The Decision to join the Horde. If many Nightborne are so easily prone to suspicion, the Alliance is better off without you.
(Feel free to skip me)
She has declared me a safety risk without knowing the reasoning behind the coin-flip. It is a coin-flip because the 'Sin'dorei' in my experience tend to float between extremes as much as the eredar did. Faced with such uncertainty, the mathematical model might well simplify down to a coin-flip. Fel-vulnerable? Mana addicts the moment the Sunwell comes down? Argent defenders of the Light? I cannot tell from merely observing this blood elf.
Ahhh, of course, this does explain The Decision to join the Horde. If many Nightborne are so easily prone to suspicion, the Alliance is better off without you.
(Feel free to skip me)
Mary, beause why not? Although that mask could get in the way when kissing...
Give her a little kiss on the cheek.
Ick! Kill it!
The "horny" puns alone would drive me insane!
The "horny" puns alone would drive me insane!
"One thing's sure, I'm not marrying a gold digger. And, since I wouldn't get charged for a murder because she's Horde... it'd be one greedy goblin less!"
Astrophel chuckles while he talks; a full on laugh not too far away. "Well, uh, this is ridiculous. I mean is there a place that isn't spiked or dripping with Fel? I'll get rid of the Demon Hunter, kiss the troll (Ew, warts). And, uh, marry the goblin. We'll live our days trying paper thin schemes to get rich and waste our profits on potent drinks. Ha!"
" Oh! A new edition? Hmm, I mean, it doesn't change much. I don't think I'd marry someone who may lose sanity in the night. I'll give her a kiss and move on!"
" Oh! A new edition? Hmm, I mean, it doesn't change much. I don't think I'd marry someone who may lose sanity in the night. I'll give her a kiss and move on!"