Would your char kiss, marry or kill the one above?

Be right back
I'll get a priest
Oh .. really.. I already dated a Troll.. I am not going to kill you. You are a troll and that’s a bad enough.Sry! Bye
"Give the lass a wee kiss!" He then, with apprehension, waves at her, "Uh, sorry... Bye?" He shrugs.
Kiss, but mostly because the meeting of our glorious beards would be.. glorious!
While "Kiss" would be the obvious answer, i would't be opposed to marrying him.
Hmm, well she did kill me because i scared her, by accidently bumping into her while looking for directions to stormwind.

might kiss her, might bonk her on the head. not sure yet.

*soft sigh*
Kiss, if I could find a big enough stool to stand on. Marriage would be out of the question though. Paperwork and commitment is no fun.
Kill by using her as fishing bait.
A dk that hates gnomes ? I would marry her.
Death Knight. The only morally acceptable option would be to kill him. The other options are... horrendously unsavoury.
Awww, Tethenar, some of us are not that bad! *Pecks a kiss on his cheek*
Probably kiss, wouldn't marry nor kill.

She's very nice for a DK, im just clumsy and noisey.

* drops expensive epic gear on the ground *

* sighs and swears in tauren*

Clapham turns to look at Cholika, with bright green eyes
Then.. what seems to be a voice shouting, but still a mere whisper, can be heard.
Then Clapham's eyes turn golden, as a calm voice can be heard saying:
No... We can still redeem this one....

Then Clapham quickly falls to the ground, clearly in pain
As he gets back up, his eyes turned to his normal eye color once again, he sees Cholika's ''epic gear'' on the ground, and decides to help her pick them up... remembering nothing that happened.
After helping her, he gives her a friendly kiss on the cheek.
"Delusional or possessed. Kill."
Kill, by proxy. Ah'd more likely imprison t' lass fer crimes against t' Alliance, her being a Blood Elf an' all. But she'd probably die in t' prison. Nae sure but a lot o' prisoners o' war, assuming we was at war, seem tae die mysteriously an' unexpectedly.
Kiss and wouldn't rule out marriage.
A good and proper snog for a fellow girl of the arts.
If she has something i need, propably kill. Otherwise i'd give her a smooch...
Oh look an untrustworthy sneaky thieving nightborne. She’s a keeper, I’d marry!

Unless she tried to steal from me, then I’d set the boys on her. No one steals from me.
I'd either kiss or kill her, depends on which terms we meet.