WoW 20th Birthday - the perfect 🎁 is

A complet HD edition of vanilla tier sets from T1 to T2,5 and a T3 for people who have it.

We want a things like that

Paladins dream every Light damn night about this video.

So please Blizzard we want to

And enjoy the gift.

Its not necessary to send us fireworks and a Light damn pet in mailbox.

Best regards



Euuuhhh… I don’t.
Because the hunter sets were absolutely hideous, HD or not. :sweat_smile:


T3 warrior for me please

T3 hunter would be okay-ish.

But Hunter T1 and 2 and 2.5 were godawful.

Requirement : You need to have the original full set to unlock the HD edition



Haem excuse me Sir :dracthyr_no2:

The hunter’s T2 is laughing

T2 and 3 a nice for hunter

i support this.

It will be interesting to see what they do for the 20th anniversary.

But I think whatever it will be, it will be lack luster in some form or another. But that’s just me being pessimistic.

excuse me? return your hunter card please

Never. I’ve been an OG hunter.
And I stand by what I said.

They are HORRIBLE looking sets.

Oversized clunky ugly machine parts for tier 1 - what that had to do with ‘giants’, I’ll never know. Giantstalker, my furry butt.

How would making this HD, make it look good? The answer: It wouldn’t.

Dragonstalker then… Okay, at least it was dragon-ish. But did we really need to wear a skinned Spyro???

I say; no. No, we did not.

Okay… Then we go to one of the worst looking sets in existence. Striker’s Garb.

More purple again; why were hunters given so much purple in vanilla? Do they really think that’s a good camouflage colour when we’re out … you know… hunting?
But then there’s the horrible shoulders and helmet making for a ridiculous ensemble.

Really, this set is the worst of the worst.

At least tier 3 Cryptstalker was somewhat nice looking. Brown, sure, good hunter colour.
Creepy spider eyes, okay, I can work with that. It’s an okay set.

Many Warhammer vibes. Like the Nighthold Priest set.

I love the hunter t1 shoulders, they make you look like a walking defense tower.

Fair enough. I’ve always hated the look of that set.

looks better on a dwarf…

Erhm sure. You can get that all you want. But what about… Evokers?!