Wow and endless excuses for a poorly managed game

Ive watched and read everything about blizzards excuses about the game never having its issues fixed, so many people are willing to roll over and show there bellies now that its generally accepted when something just dosnt work as it should, with dragonflight bringing a host of glitches and issues, and then every patch since adding more problems, the game just feels more unfinished than it did in wrath, in the uk we have something that protects the end consumer, this is something that could be taken to them, thousands if not hundreds of thousands of players paying for a game thats supposed to work!, ive played since vanilla, and ive never seen it this bad, practically every quest has some issue with it, and this phasing out after youve spent some time killing a supper rare to find your phased out into another phase and the mobs ether gone, or back at full health, like the superbloom for instance, standing next to him all the way then get phased out from a super duper bloom to one that they havent even got a green reward, and the leveling, it dosnt really matter what expansion you choose there all glitchy as anything, with glitches that werent there when they were the active expansion, its simple, if you cant keep the game running smoothly for your community, then maby stop ploughing out stupid amounts of content and fix the damn thing, look at the backlash the cyberpunk creators got because of glitches, at least they fixed theres, but blizzard, no we will jjjust come up with excuses that shouldnt even be used, if you cant keep it running correctly then maby its time to shut it down, its clearly too big for you to manage properly, old expansions clashing with new ones, i mean how many people actually go to outland, close it, do something with the story that literally does away with all the old stuff so its not clashing and you have more time for the newer content, to make it work as intended, i dont want to see this game die because its basically crashing pcs and becoming a frustrating experience at best. with guilds selling raids and keystones and trying to get into an actual raid group as part of that team. for the most part people are bored at cap lvl because of this, as a whole its not a good experience, and its frustrating as it could be so much more, i mean its a gorgeous game, awesome story, just poorly executed with all the glitches, again i refer back to if your game has glitches, sort them before ploughing out new content. i get i will more than likely be banned for this but im past caring, its all woke people deciding to have a cry because there being called out on being greedy, wich is what it is at the end of the day, i wont be back on this forum, for almost 20 years ive never been on it, this is me literally saying this is what happens when you dont manage properly and poorly execute what you do, i get they need content for the moaning people who have done everything at top lvl, but it shouldnt mean you compromise your game and reputation just to give them what they want, if they complete it so easily, make hardcore relms, i mean proper hardcore. no nerfing mobs etc because someone moans its too hard! simple go to a normal relm then. thats me, ive spent thousands on this game for it to constantly have issues, not something im intending on continuing, same with have the greatest players the game saw, they hated the glitches, and they would make your top guilds now and players look like noobs!

Holy batman the wall of text.

What is this ‘something’? OP summarised: Game has bugs and they feel strongly that Blizzard should focus on fixing that first.

If you see bugs I recommend to report that through the ingame bug report button and write short but important details where/what/how it occured in paragraphs too for easier reading.

Stuffing people into a category doesn’t make you look like a nice person.

There are 2 HC realms. Unless you mean something else, and plenty of people die on the journey to max level and even on max level still die. I’m not sure what is “easy” about it.

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