Wow and FFXIV crossover!

Please just no. I play both games, but for very different reasons and I really, really wouldn’t want the other game to get rubbed in my face when I’m not playing it. And tbh I’ve never understood the whole collab thing; it just feels like product A is trying to ride on the success of product B.

A boss crossover why not ? But that’s it.
Bring Thordan to WoW or Midgarsormr and give FF … Lich King ? For like a month or something. I’d not say no.
Or maybe Gilgamesh for wow, since he travels dimensions.

Or it can be product A supports product B.

Like toothpaste and tooth brushes, both can work alone but together they are amazing.

Or for example the Avengers, you got Gods, titans, superhumans, mages, scientific experiments etc etc.

While I think a BIG Collab like MVC is not that good since Wow and FF and vastly different worlds and unless the companies produce a new different game, the collab would probably suck, I still think featuring bosses that drop sets and weps for tmogs would be a cool idea.

We already have it FFXIV is represented by ALLIANCE.

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First FFXIV died
Then devs played wow
ARR happened look it all before you post lack of your basic knowledge is ridiculous .

Is never toxic.

This incident begs to differ.

Being competitive is nice and all but saying it has zero toxicity in it is exactly like saying it’s toxic in it’s nature, think we had a long discussion about this some time ago on the forums.

To clarify, being competitive is not toxic rather your other emotions being mixed in can make it toxic, for example being jealous of someone better than you instead of striving to beat them on fair terms.

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You are toxic someone got killed and you loved them !
Now you want “revenge”/“justice” pick.
your kind of logic.

LFR/RHC is not competitive and we know how it looks :stuck_out_tongue:

Guess your kind of people

disgusting i would kill orc in sight.
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If you’re talking about real life then it’s not some movie or cartoon.

If a beloved one got killed I wouldn’t go to my secret basement and pull my john wick gear and then go kill them, nor would I don my batman suit and arrest them.

If you can’t differentiate between reality and fiction then we have a problem.

However if you’re talking about games then I’d pick ol hordish justice, like we did the nightelves and their trees.

And then when the alliance calls us out on it ill just say muh honor!

Also thumbs up for the funny video :slight_smile:

People are real for me not for you?
People give meaning and feeling to things/to what they do.
I talk about people doing XYZ just because it is in wow and not “football” difference is almost non existent their feelings/meanings/doings/intentions are real as people doing these things.

I don’t understand what you are saying here o.O

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why so hate ?
said animated character…
Some of us see behind skin.
Should have try it.Sorry excuse me alliance racist.

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I’d understand the name, but the tmog ? o.O nothing wrong with a fancy tuxedo and some claws! Now I’m offended.

It reminds me of anime school girls …
Maybe im browsing 9gag to much and some things cannot be unseen.


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The more you browse that place, the more brain cells you lose per day.

IF you have nothing to say to topic i ask you to stop commenting and leave.

:rofl: trying to be a blizzard green poster child now? stop. You don’t tell me what to do, i post where i post. So do you.

Mind your own business.

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Ffxiv X WoW is a great idea to the game! Imagine we get to kill Ragnaros in ffxiv and Bahamut in wow. :slight_smile:

The gear drops would be Thrall, Jaina, Vanessa Vancleef, Valeera Sanguinar, Lich King, Sylvanas, etc for ffxiv.

While, for WoW. It’s gonna be the all of the scion gear, dragoon class gear, dark knight trailer gear, etc…