Wow and FFXIV crossover!

While I love wow a lot and think no other MMO would ever overtake it, I did try other MMOs, and it’s safe to say FFXIV is one of the best MMOs out there.

Recently I’ve been thinking about how cool if the two would do a cross-over and viola I’ve seen some posts about the FFXIV director being a blizzard fan and wanting to do a cross-over with Wow and diablo!

Now I can’t confirm if this is true or not but quick google searches have been linking me to many an articles.

I think this would be a very positive event, and would prove beneficial to both MMOs and to the fan bases too.

Rather than encourage toxic competitiveness and stealing ideas from eachother, it’d be a much better approach to work together and supplement eachothers weakness.

I’ve been a wow player for 15 years.
I’ve only tried FFXiv until level 20 or so, ( I stopped and focused on proffesions, my god they were fun ! )

I honestly see a lot of benefit if the companies collaborated!

Also props to the FFXIV dude for admitting he’s a blizzard fan and not a Hurr durr I make wow killer #41915108


Good luck with your exam, erm hmm idk could be fun. I think it’d be a very postmodern type of era for MMORPGs to start doing crossover events like sitcoms do crossover episodes :joy: new B2B business opportunities :muscle: guess anything’s possible.

In a weird way I’d like to see that tho… just out of morbid curiosity ya know

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Depends what you mean by crossover. If you just mean getting some inspiration from each other and implementing a few ideas here and there in each game, then sure, maybe.
But honestly, I hate FF. I play WoW because I like WoW. If I liked FF, I’d be there instead. Just kind of wish people would stop talking about it tbh. It’s the most overhyped garbage I’ve heard of since Fortnite.


Although it would probably just be a dungeon in or some items as crossovers, working together could be pretty neat. Mmorpgs already have a hard time compared to other genres, so it could help both sides to share some ideas and implement them in both games.

I would say FF isn’t even half as annoying and obstrusive as WoW was in its first years. God, how I hated the game before I started playing it because every other mmorpg had to be compared to it. You couldn’t even watch TV without getting WoW commercials every 10mins.

If you mean by this things like borrowing ideas of mechanics or systems, progression etc then I think games shouldn’t be shy about looking when someone has “got it right” and paying them fair tribute. Vanilla classic talent system inspired several mmos.

If you’re talking literal crossovers. No. Despite being a gamer for around 25 years now I’ve never ever really got into the extremes of liking the really “Japanesey” stuff that seems to be a big thing I nthe gaming scene. I think this is what people call “weebs” now? Either way whilst I love the games of the older FFs and in the sense of games I like them and think they are well done; I don’t find the characters immensely engaging, there are other art styles I prefer etc.

So yeah, I don’t want that In WoW. I like my traditional Tolkien esque fantasy. I’m not a fan of the whole cat eared humans and edgey manga/anime cutscenes type fantasy but that’s just me

Keep your creepy lolita freakshow away from me kthxbai


Crossover could mean many different things, from taking a system, to a mob guest or simple featuring something from the other party.

I was thinking maybe we could’ve gotten a gear set and they get one from ours, for example we give them Judgement set and they give us a set.

We could also feature a boss from theirs, while they could feature a boss from ours, I’ve seen some FF fans thinking them having to fight the lich king would be epic, I’d guess we get Sephiroth or some FF big bad?

There could also be a weapon set cross over, we could give them ashkandi, ashbringer, frostmourne while we could get weapons them their games.

There is also " Stumbling upon a party lost in space from the other game " type where we find a couple of FF npcs and we help them, it could happen via caravans of time and Chromie.

A cross over can also be a system type, or an instance, maybe they get to raid ICC and we get to raid a FF raid.

Or we get their dye systems and they get transmog for from us :slight_smile:

One of the coolest things blizzard does is taking ideas, innovating them and applying blizzardian polish to make legendary games.

Everquest > Wow
TF2 > Overwatch
Card games > Hearth stone

etc etc, if barriers were to be lowered, many legendary things can be achieved imo, it can also birth healthy rivalry and can be beneficial to both player bases in the long term.

You play a blood elf, a race made to cater to Asian girlfriends, with super model bodies posing as paladins and warriors :3.

No one asked for catgirls though, while I wouldn’t mind you also have to keep in mind the whole other LOT of things in FF, like gear, weps, bosses etc.

I also don’t see why many people have a problem with edge, or are people in denial, demon hunters break the edge meter in comparison to animistic aesthetics, yet they are beloved and Illidan is one of the most liked characters despite " I am my scars!" and " Tyraaaaaandaaaaaaa".

We also have rabbit ears, skimpy mogs, goat girls and goldshire…

The two biggest competitors on the market collaborating?

Adam Smith is disappoint.

No pls… final fantasy is a great game, dont destroy it by adding wow-shiet to it


Keep away the weeb garbage stuff from Azeroth if possible.


Yoshi-P is too cool for school let alone for WoW. He won’t allow any “X[ii]OverFF”
He is the Japanese Paul McCartney right down to the choice of hair dye and FF[x] is the Monkeys to the Beatles of Metzen.
They will never fuze. TF[F]4That. ffUUx

No WoW is a great game please keep FF and its players away from us thanks.

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Good we give them Magni and they give us Minfilia.

Seem a fair trade a time wasting npc for another time wasting npc.

Now that’s not fair, nothing is as overhyped as fortnight.

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He is one who said he is huge fan of Blizzard and WOW and Diablo and that he would love crossover between FF and Diablo or WOW.

If they want to ruin ff they can add worldquest and pathfinder

WoW and FFXIV crossover? Sorry but no. Bad idea.
I would suggest WoW and ESO crossover instead, actually, i would prefer WoW and Skyrim crossover. But you know, skyrim ain’t an MMO

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Yeah not a creepy little girl wearing a skirt that shows off her underwear :slight_smile:


While you are playing it you can drink your Pepsi-Coca-Cola eating a Mcdonalds-Whopper.

Ain’t ever gonna happen.

Well we already have Zombie vs Plants crossover, Bejeweled crossover… hmm what else… anyways, only crossover i want with ff14 is that we send our time gates and pathfinder to them and then move to different city and don’t leave our adress.