While I love wow a lot and think no other MMO would ever overtake it, I did try other MMOs, and it’s safe to say FFXIV is one of the best MMOs out there.
Recently I’ve been thinking about how cool if the two would do a cross-over and viola I’ve seen some posts about the FFXIV director being a blizzard fan and wanting to do a cross-over with Wow and diablo!
Now I can’t confirm if this is true or not but quick google searches have been linking me to many an articles.
I think this would be a very positive event, and would prove beneficial to both MMOs and to the fan bases too.
Rather than encourage toxic competitiveness and stealing ideas from eachother, it’d be a much better approach to work together and supplement eachothers weakness.
I’ve been a wow player for 15 years.
I’ve only tried FFXiv until level 20 or so, ( I stopped and focused on proffesions, my god they were fun ! )
I honestly see a lot of benefit if the companies collaborated!
Also props to the FFXIV dude for admitting he’s a blizzard fan and not a Hurr durr I make wow killer #41915108