WoW: Arena as separate game

Hello Blizzard! I love your game World of Warcraft. I have been playing WoW from the beginning of Classic. But I play only PvP. PvE or Leveling is not for me as for many players.

Can you please separate WoW Arena to another server, where we don’t need to level up to get the latest gear? Just PvP Arena, where everyone can choose any gear or any class to play.

From my honest opinion, it will bring back a lot of old players and will attract new players from all over the world. Also you will be able to do better marketing through Tournaments with gaming guilds and etc.

Look at the use case of MOBA projects and etc… You could be the first in this genre…


hehe interesting request. so u want them to remove all boring grinds that are designed to keep people addicted… dont think it will happen :smiley:

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There used to be a realm like this called something akin to the “Tournament realm”. Not sure why it was removed, or when.

No, I just suggest to promote E-Sport (cybersport), I think WOW: Arena would have huge success with the right marketing.

Who enjoys to play WoW standard edition can keep enjoying it. WOW: Arena even can be done with different item sets and character spells in order to balance PvP more.

so u want activision to spend time and money so u can have fun :smiley:
u want them to remove = daily quest, renown quest, weekly quest, campaign quest, choregast quests, kortia quest, pvp quest, pve quest, raid quest. world quest, dungeon quest, covenant quest :smiley: ?

Absolutely no! I want to have another game WOW: ARENA (or you can name it just ARENA BLIZZARD), which is based on separated server.

Okay, maybe they could even reskin their characters from Orcs and Trolls to CyberRobots and etc, but maintain the same principe of Arena, which is so cool!

Game’s economy flow and marketing could be done through selling skins or tournament tickets and etc. There are huge room for expanding in the eSports. Huge player’s base.

I am a big fan of Arena and I would play it a lot (also I would spend money on it).

For Blizzard it’s not that much efforts to “cut” the PvP principle to another server and reskin character or gear, if they do not want to mix it up with the WoW lore. I bet there would be a huge success for PvP game that based on Arena WoW basis.

I am ready to join Blizzard team and work on this project for free.:slight_smile:

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its a good idea but they are currently working on how they can implement their diablo immortal buisness model into wow dragon expansion

Thanks for supporting my idea. I think there are a lot of players who could help to grow this game, as no need a lot of coding for it / from scratch.

I suggest to open Community Program, where people who would help to make this game Live could receive a gift from Blizzard, for example a Free Tradable skins that may be sold on the market later as NFT on blockchain. =))


They already have a Warzone version for CoD.

Why not just release the same thing for WoW?

A F2P version just for PvP

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Always love it when people make things up.

They use it for tournaments, like the MDI. It still exists.

Just put the diablo immortal devs on it for some fat profit also.

But there was also Tournament Realms opened to all players.
I remember having it back during WOTLK, and maybe even Cataclysm.

You paid a fee and you were able to play on special realms where only Arena was available and characters were created at max level. On those realms every NPC and moob was removed, dungeons and blocks were blocked, and outdoor PVP disabled. There were only a few NPCs in the main cities that sold every piece of gear and other things that could be used for Arenas.

If you complete 50 arenas with the same team on a Season they give you a special gladiator murlock for your character on the regular realms that I still have. If you were on some top % during the season they give you a special title too.

Basically by having everything non-related to Arena removed and any gear that could be used on Arenas free those realms were only about players’ skills on PVP.

EDIT: I found the original info. It was available between 2009 and 2013

This is really one of the sad truths about World of Warcraft, and really does need addressing.

World of Warcraft is a vast game and really should be treated like it. Players really need to stop hiding away in their game modes and get involved in the rest of the game. Because all that’s happening is that we’re getting this separatist attitude like OPs and the whole game will just end up falling apart.

Back in Classic/TBC/Wotlk, I used to enjoy a little casual PVP, for the fun of it. It was more accessible back then. However these days it really just feels like a completely separate world and not really worth getting involved in anymore.

My vote goes towards making the PVP world less Elitist and bringing it back into World of Warcraft.

At the end of the day, If you want to play World of Warcraft, you should need to play World of Warcraft.

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I personally would be fine with Arena being put in a different game. Then maybe PVE players could get some focus too. I would never touch arena so for me, im all for it

But wow is pve game mostly :thinking:

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I like the fact that WoW is an entire game made up of many end games content paths, that’s what makes an MMO an MMO, it’s not just dragonkilling, or arena, or pet battles, or reputations, or dungeoneering etc.

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Going to back you up on those sentiments as someone who has played since 2008 yes that long it still damn well staggers me that people are prepared to make these “requests” on such a large game as you have already said. I do not engage with PVP because it’s usually always a one-sided fight when you are on a low pop realm and the horde on mine are the kind of players who will not let up if it’s one vs x number of them and you are given no other option but to wait for them to get bored and then rez or keep being killed for “entertainment” of them and that’s why I actively avoid PVP these days.

They need to do what you said there it’s sorely needed amongst so many other things they need to fix in this game.

WoW just isn’t the game it used to be, because everything is so segmented nowadays.

I do like that they have added depth to the endgames and allow players to focus on getting good in certain play modes. But at the moment it seems to be at the cost of how seamlessly it felt to move from one game mode to another.

As I said. I used to play everything M, I was a World of Warcraft player. Now I just do WQs and KSM, because I don’t feel PVP is accessible enough and raiding requires too much scheduling or commitment.

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