Wow champs and Balance

I genuinely can’t believe how this game has got into a much worse place from Dragonflight for PVP.

There is absolutely no balance and some classes are simply useless at high ratings in pvp. No use for most specs in most comps and they’ve literally made balance worse.

Between 50 min time queues and absolutely ridiculous mirco cc’s its absolutely destroyed the game mode. Wait 50 mins to be stuck in 1 space for 20 mins

theres 3 things that killed the game

  1. Solo suffle
  2. Dragonflight talents
  3. Evoker class

Solo suffle killed real arena, DF talents gave everyone everything, casters don`t cast, melees have 30 leaps and gap closers and Evoker design of not being able to be interupted/ccd/slowed shows the design philosophy going forward. It will only get worse from now on. Which is why we have seen the new lowest player number record beaten every season since DF season 1. AWC in legion had 40-50k viewers, now they struggle to break 10k. In SL I could list my group as healer and the LFG tool would be full in 30 seconds with too many people to pick from, now you wait until the listing gets removed for inactivity because the game simply has no players left.

its over.


bye then


I hope it will replace this outdated gamemode completely. Should have done that 10 years ago already, like all pvp games did.

The War Within season 1:

  • All melees except Feral and Rogue are bad
  • All healers except Hpal, Disc and Prevoker are bad
  • Most casters are good
  • Hunters are good

If you are anything that doesn’t fit that list, bad news, it’s time to reroll or wait for tuning that may or may not happen


It’s not as bad as you think, warrior monk and dk are good, sure if you compare it to broken spec it’s out if category but not unplayable either.

It doesn’t change anything for people not playing for r1/ tournament,except if your spec is really terrible.

It does, because some casters are very overtuned and FOTM, as well as some healers, therefore many melees have no chance.

I spent a few hours quing shuffle as healer yesterday and nearly every warrior and DK got killed by frost mages, demo warlocks and hunters.

And since I was playing Hpal (playing it for the first time), I got to face some Resto Druids and a Holy priest. Those people had no chance while I didn’t even know my rotation well yet lol

Things like Frost Mage and Shadow priest / Demo warlock currently cannot die, even in the hands of lower-rated players

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That is not complete true. There are 3 specs that are completely garbage right now - outlaw, frost dk and havoc dh.
Other melees are decent at least.

This specs are least represented on arena statistics and was not represented on AWC (or lost all games likehavoc did, having the lowest dps among all teams).

If you think sub rogue is this good then you also should consider warrior being this good for they got similar toolkits and damage.
I dont see a single reason why ret would be bad either and Dh is still really good if put in their natural element.

Heard of MW monk before ?

In the entirety of the game there arent more tooled and durable classes than these 2.
To say that they’re just “good” is an insane understatement.

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demo is the worst survivability spec right now because its soul leech doesnt get any pet’s benefits
aff/destro playing with pet out is more tanky(although still laughable) than demo

or do u imply that having a stun suddenly converts them from being a training dummy with 0.2% health/1 second absorb(tanky af btw, also this absorb is capped at 10% although it needs a whooping 200 seconds of not taking any damage to reach that level) to an unkillable god?

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I didn’t know stormbolt was spammable.

Actually i’d say that place currently goes to Arms :frowning:

The word “similar” eludes you ?
Rogues dont have an AOE Blind =/= Warrior AOE fear right?
In truth, warrior can keep you CC’d for just as long in stun DR alone.
Along with Spear and AOE fear.
But again, such hyperfocus isnt necessery since I know they differentiate
thats why I used “similar”.
Theres a joke that compares Outlaw rogues to warriors too.
It isnt by accident.

And arms too, yes.

for example? which specs are useless?

Not even these specs are that bad. outlaw is actually pretty good, sub and assa is even stronger. dh is b tier and frostdk is frostk

Now check the ladder and look how much of outlaw rogues are there. Spoiler: 0.78% from all melee specs.


It does not. But when the strongest point of a spec isn’t part of another specs’ toolkit AT ALL, it just stops being similar.

One target yes (in fact no but we’ll assume you’re right here). The whole team no. And that’s precisely why sub rogue is being brought into a comp.

So as you said :

Do I get extra points for concluding my argument with the same sentence I used at the start? Need extra forums points to post memes.

cringe take. I call BS and i go to bed.
c ya

because its

  1. a unpopular spec, even when it was broken last season and everyone played it in awc it wasnt that popular in shuffle and 3s.
  2. sub is giga strong and assa is also giga strong so why play outlaw?

if sub and assa didnt exist you would have seen outlaw rogues at high rating and even in awc. it does good dmg and has all the rogue tools. it just isnt as bursty as sub

This just makes no sense. Sub and assa strong, same as mm and bm, but people still play surv.

Can be same analogy for most of classes.

Outlaw is the least popular spec in arena, but it is(or was at least) the most popular spec in pve. Guess why? Because it was insanely strong, not because of its design.

People are meta slaves nowadays, so if spec is not popular it clearly represents that it is weak.